Mobile Development: Testing & Debugging Flutter Applications

Flutter    |    Intermediate
  • 15 videos | 1h 53m 29s
  • Includes Assessment
  • Earns a Badge
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In real-world app development, tests ensure that bugs and other issues can be found and fixed early in the development and release cycle. Flutter offers a range of testing and debugging tools that make it easy to write tests and debug Flutter applications. Through this course, learn about the types of tests that can be written for Flutter applications. Explore the test types and how to choose between them. Next, practice writing tests for use cases, using mocks to eliminate external dependencies in code, and writing widget tests to test stateless and stateful widgets. Finally, discover Flutter tools for debugging and profiling apps. Upon completion, you'll be able to implement tests and debug a Flutter application.


  • Discover the key concepts covered in this course
    Outline different types of tests for flutter
    Run basic unit tests in android studio
    Run flutter unit tests using the cli
    Create mock objects using mockito
    Set up a complex unit test using mocks
    Set up unit tests for single widgets
    Set up interactive unit tests for stateful widgets
  • Test an infinitely-scrolling container
    Test a widget animation
    Test a dismissible widget
    Recognize how flutter app debugging works
    View widgets in the flutter inspector
    Debug flutter apps using the devtools suite
    Summarize the key concepts covered in this course


  • 1m 43s
    In this video, we will discover the key concepts covered in this course. FREE ACCESS
  • 10m 55s
    After completing this video, you will be able to outline different types of tests for Flutter. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    3.  Using the Android Studio IDE to Run Unit Tests
    11m 23s
    During this video, you will learn how to run basic unit tests in Android Studio. FREE ACCESS
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    4.  Running Unit Tests Using the Command Line
    5m 59s
    Find out how to run Flutter unit tests using the CLI. FREE ACCESS
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    5.  Generating Mocks Using Mockito
    9m 35s
    In this video, discover how to create mock objects using Mockito. FREE ACCESS
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    6.  Setting Up Complex Unit Tests Using Mocks
    9m 1s
    Learn how to set up a complex unit test using mocks. FREE ACCESS
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    7.  Using Widget Tester Finders and Matchers
    9m 12s
    In this video, find out how to set up unit tests for single widgets. FREE ACCESS
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    8.  Setting Up Unit Tests for Stateful Widgets
    7m 13s
    Discover how to set up interactive unit tests for stateful widgets. FREE ACCESS
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    9.  Testing Scrollable Containers
    5m 22s
    During this video, discover how to test an infinitely-scrolling container. FREE ACCESS
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    10.  Performing a Unit Test on Animated Widgets
    7m 19s
    In this video, learn how to test a widget animation. FREE ACCESS
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    11.  Testing Dismissible Widgets
    7m 37s
    In this video, discover how to test a dismissible widget. FREE ACCESS
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    12.  Flutter App Debugging
    5m 3s
    Upon completion of this video, you will be able to recognize how Flutter app debugging works. FREE ACCESS
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    13.  Viewing Flutter Inspector Widgets
    10m 35s
    Find out how to view widgets in the Flutter Inspector. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    14.  Debugging Flutter Apps Using DevTools
    10m 21s
    During this video, you will learn how to debug Flutter apps using the DevTools suite. FREE ACCESS
  • Locked
    15.  Course Summary
    2m 11s
    In this video, we will summarize the key concepts covered in this course. FREE ACCESS


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Rating 4.3 of 4 users Rating 4.3 of 4 users (4)
Rating 5.0 of 1 users Rating 5.0 of 1 users (1)