Privacy Training for Federal Contractors
- 6 topics | 19m 1s
- Up to 30 languages
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Federal agencies, federal contractors, and their employees are required to comply with specific laws to protect the privacy of personally identifiable information. In this course, you'll learn about the Privacy Act, and about ways to safeguard personally identifiable information. You'll also review examples of situations that don't comply with the law, to help you recognize these in practice.The course covers training intended to fulfill the requirements of 48 C.F.R. § 24.301. This training provides an overview of the Privacy Act and information security safeguards for personally identifiable information. Agencies may have adopted other security requirements for contractors, either through their own regulations or via contract. Additionally, this training only covers the baseline requirements for the privacy and security of personally identifiable information. Certain sensitive categories of information, such as classified information and controlled unclassified information, are subject to additional privacy and security requirements that are not covered in this training. You also should always consult a federal department or agency's Privacy Act regulations to understand the specific requirements and procedures.This course was developed with subject matter support provided by The Potomac Law Group, PLLC. Please note, however, that the course materials and content are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice and may or may not reflect the most current legal developments. Nothing herein, or in the course materials, shall be construed as professional advice as to any particular situation or constitute a legal opinion with respect to compliance with legal statutes or statutory instruments. Transmission of the information is not intended to create, and receipt does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship. Readers should not act upon this information without seeking independent legal advice.
recognize personally identifiable information (PII)
identify key provisions of the Privacy Act regarding the handling of personally identifiable information (PII)
identify measures for safeguarding personally identifiable information (PII)
respond appropriately to suspected or confirmed breaches of personally identifiable information (PII)
understand how to identify PII and handle it safely
Privacy Training for Federal Contractors1m
Recognizing Personally Identifiable Information2m
PII and the Privacy Act2m
Safeguarding PII3m
Responding to Breaches of PII4m
Knowledge Check: Recognizing and Protecting PII4m
COMPLIANCE IMPACT: Social Media - Blogger Gone Bad
COMPLIANCE IMPACT: PCI – Verifying the Transaction
US Export Controls