65% of Fortune 500 Companies choose us for training.

The numbers don’t lie when it comes to Skillsoft Percipio’s commitment to making learning easier, more accessible, and more effective for your employees.
- 180,000+ tools
- 29 languages
- 160 countries
- 24/7 cloud access to all courses
- Courses accessed more than 130 million times a month
Curated learning paths, personalized by AI. See how Skillsoft Percipio can change learning habits for your entire organization

Leadership & Business Skills
Effective leaders never stop learning. We’ll keep your management team on top of their game, challenged, and ready for the next opportunity.

Technology & Development
It’s an ever-changing world. Fall behind and you lose. We’ll help you stay ahead of rapid technology changes.

People are motivated to do their best when they feel their work matters. We’re here to help you foster a sustainable, safe, respectful and inclusive environment where every employee’s contribution has value.