Agile Software Development Competency (Intermediate Level)

  • 15m
  • 15 questions
The Agile Software Development competency benchmark measures your skills on Agile best practices and principles. You will be assessed on your ability to use Agile estimation techniques, to build a strong Agile team, to perform effective project communications, to understand Agile cloud architecture. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to make well-informed decisions when it comes to embracing Agile practices or improving existing processes.

Topics covered

  • compare continuous integration, continuous delivery and continuous deployment and how they are related to each other
  • demonstrate how Scrum boards in Jira can be used to track an Agile software project
  • describe Agile, DevOps, and cloud interaction
  • describe Agile management best practices and how to create effective teams
  • describe guidelines to identify the best fit Agile framework for the organization
  • describe how Agile senior management can, through effective Agile leaders and teams, successfully maximize the benefits of Agile practices for software development
  • describe how to perform Agile estimation and some of the popular Agile estimation methods, including Story Points, Planning Poker, T-shirt Sizes, Dot Voting, and Bucket System
  • describe the benefits of using cloud computing for Agile
  • describe the use of continuous development and delivery for Agile in a software development environment
  • describe the various scaling models available for integrating Agile
  • illustrate through an example how to arrive at an estimate for a story point using Planning Poker
  • recognize best practices for Agile software development and testing
  • recognize best practices for sprint review meetings through the use of an example
  • recognize how to build a strong Agile team and effective techniques for maintaining it
  • recognize through a work example, best practices for daily stand-up meetings