AI in Power BI Competency (Intermediate Level)

  • 20m
  • 20 questions
The AI in Power BI Competency (Intermediate Level) benchmark measures your ability to automatically generate AI insights on datasets and visualize them on dashboards by leveraging AI features in Power BI and train machine learning models in Power BI. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have good experience in leveraging AI features in Power BI and can work on visualization and machine learning projects using Power BI with minimal supervision.

Topics covered

  • analyze and interpret the training report
  • analyze insights on reports
  • explore data for binary classification
  • explore data for regression
  • generate insights on dashboard tiles
  • generate insights on reports
  • interpret a regression training report
  • load and explore data for classification
  • optimize and clean data for AI insights
  • perform cost-benefit analysis
  • perform image tagging
  • perform language detection
  • perform sentiment analysis
  • provide an overview of artificial intelligence (AI) features in Power BI
  • read data into Power BI and generate AI insights on the data
  • retrain the model with new data
  • train a binary classification model
  • train a regression model
  • view categories where distributions vary
  • view training metrics for classification