Angular 11 Competency (Intermediate Level)

  • 20m
  • 20 questions
The Angular 11 Competency (Intermediate Level) benchmark measures your knowledge of the RxJS library and how to work with observables. You will be assessed on your skills in creating a form, validating form input and implementing CRUD operations, and demonstrating navigation and routing in Angular. You will also be evaluated on your skills in creating and registering a service in Angular and implementing authentication and authorization, optimization, and lazy loading in Angular. Learners who score high on this benchmark demonstrate that they have the ability to work with Angular forms, implement security, and deploy Angular applications.

Topics covered

  • add authentication to an Angular application
  • configure simple routes for an application and create a simple single-page application
  • create, activate, and, deactivate guards for authentication and authorization in Angular routing
  • create a HTTP Get Request, handle HTTP Response, and create and handle HTTPClient observables
  • create a service in Angular module and populate it with common shared data
  • debug an Angular application and perform unit testing on a component
  • define and send data to POST calls, make asynchronous calls to POST API, and extract a response from POST APIs
  • define the single page architecture, recognize the justification for building a single-page application (SPA), and describe the overall benefits of an SPA
  • demonstrate how to implement a local cache with shareReplay
  • demonstrate security implementation using guards
  • deploy an Angular application on the NGINX server
  • examine the characteristics of observables in Angular and differentiate between promises and observables
  • explain the form validation mechanism and disable the submit button until the form is validated
  • explore Angular RxJS library and describe event-based programming and streams
  • extract data from observables and subscribe to observables for data
  • implement lazy loading in Angular
  • implement two-way binding, outline its benefits, and describe banana in a box notation
  • inject a service inside an Angular component
  • pass data to routes and use the data extracted in a component
  • register a service to Angular module