Angular 11 Literacy (Beginner Level)

  • 20m
  • 20 questions
The Angular 11 Literacy (Beginner Level) benchmark measures your knowledge of the new features of Angular 11 and the building blocks of an Angular module. You will be assessed on your skills in adding logic to components, implementing pagination and custom pipes, and building a nested component. Learners who score high on this benchmark demonstrate that they have the ability to work with Angular modules, directives, pipes, and nested components.

Topics covered

  • Bootstrap components with the desired component by making it the main component for bootstrapping the application
  • complete the steps involved in migrating from Angular 10 to 11
  • create a feature module, add components to it, and use it in the main module
  • create a multi-modular system and share the module with multiple modules
  • create an Angular component without CLI, add a new component to the module, and describe the decorator associated with the new module
  • define pagination, render data on the front-end, and implementing pagination in the application
  • describe different elements of Angular module and the decorators associated with it
  • describe nested components and the parent-child component structure
  • describe the features that are new or updated in Angular 11, comparing it with older versions
  • describe what's new in Angular 12
  • explain the concept of pipes in Angular and the use of built-in pipes
  • explain ViewChild and implement ViewChild property in Angular component
  • export and import different functionalities and components from other JavaScript files
  • iterate a list of arrays and display array items in the user interface (UI)
  • list the use of @Output keyword, pass events from child component to parent component, and update properties of parent component using child component
  • list the use of the @Input keyword and pass data to the child component
  • outline the inclusion and use of third party modules like BrowserModule and explain its functionalities
  • perform higher-order functions, filter data from a list, and update listed data based on user input
  • sort data in a given list and display an updated sorted list of data
  • use conditional operators in components and render HTML content