Automated Testing with Selenium Competency (Intermediate Level)

  • 30m
  • 30 questions
The Automated Testing with Selenium Competency benchmark measures your knowledge of setting up, configuring, and working with Selenium Grid. You will be evaluated on your skills in managing inline frames and JavaScript alerts, working with checkboxes, and testing confirmation/prompt pop-ups using Selenium. You will also be evaluated on your ability to handle Google Chrome security pop-ups, test authentication windows with Selenium and AutoIt, and implement conditional and unconditional synchronization. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to automate testing using Selenium and AutoIt, as well as automate web page navigation and download files.

Topics covered

  • automate scrolling to particular elements of web pages and perform operations on the elements
  • automate the resizing of web elements using Selenium scripts
  • configure Hub and Node for Selenium Grid Server and describe the use of the Grid console
  • download files using Selenium WebDriver and define browser settings with Firefox Profile preferences
  • execute WebDriver tests in parallel using Selenium Grid
  • fetch data in Selenium from Excel documents using DataProvider
  • handle Windows authentication pop-ups using Selenium
  • implement conditional synchronization using the Implicit Wait function of Selenium WebDriver
  • implement Page Object Model using Selenium
  • implement Page Object Pattern to create layer of separation between test code and technical implementation
  • implement unconditional synchronization using the Selenium WebDriverWait and Thread.Sleep methods
  • install AutoIt and use it with Selenium WebDriver to handle and test authentication windows
  • list methods that can be used to handle keyboard and mouse events with Selenium WebDriver
  • manage inline frames while defining test mechanisms using Selenium WebDriver
  • manage JavaScript alerts using the Selenium WebDriver Alerts API
  • recognize the architecture of Selenium Grid along with the differences between Grid 1 and Grid 2 versions
  • recognize the features of legacy and modern applications that can impact test automation using Selenium
  • set browser width and height using Selenium WebDriver
  • switch from a default window to the desired window to perform operations while testing, and switch back to the default window to work on the main window
  • test AutoComplete textbox using Selenium by providing pre-populated lists in applications
  • troubleshoot errors while invoking browser code
  • upload files by transferring the control from Selenium WebDriver to AutoIt
  • use Selenium scripts to handle multiple advertisement windows that hinder testing
  • use Selenium to test scenarios using multiple checkboxes and safechecks
  • use the Implicit Wait and Fluent Wait classes provided by Selenium WebDriver
  • use the selectByValue and deselectByValue methods to select and deselect all options that have values matching the specified arguments
  • use the WebDriver Select method and work with the selectByIndex method to perform operations on a Select drop-down
  • write Selenium scripts to automate operations on a Select drop-down and retrieve the text of the values in the drop-down
  • write Selenium scripts to handle and test prompt pop-ups in a real-life scenario
  • write Selenium scripts to handle security pop-ups on Google Chrome