AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2022: Deployment Competency (Intermediate Level)

  • 30m
  • 30 questions
The Deployment Competency (Intermediate Level) benchmark calibrates your ability to use various AWS technologies to provision configuration as code (CaC) and orchestrate AWS code services to create CI/CD processes. You will be evaluated on your skills in recognizing the use of AWS Elastic Beanstalk, deploying applications and environments using Elastic Beanstalk, as well as efficiently using the Amazon EC2 service to configure, launch, secure, and interact with computing environments on AWS. Learners who score high on this benchmark demonstrate that they have the skills to automate deployment testing, prepare application artifacts to be deployed to AWS, and deploy code using AWS CI/CD services.

Topics covered

  • build a sample application using the AWS CodeBuild service
  • create a cluster with a Fargate task using the Amazon ECS CLI
  • create an Amazon ECS service using the Amazon CLI and create and deploy a Docker container on an ECS service
  • create and deploy a sample application using the AWS CodeDeploy service
  • create and manage a pull request for a CodeCommit repository
  • define idempotency and the role it plays in AWS development
  • deploy a multi-container Docker environment to Elastic Beanstalk
  • deploy a .NET application to Elastic Beanstalk
  • deploy a Node.js application to Elastic Beanstalk with DynamoDB
  • describe the features and components of Amazon EC2 fleets
  • describe the features and components of Amazon EC2 networks
  • describe the Linux and Windows instance types available in Amazon EC2
  • generate and configure a Secure Shell (SSH) key pair to connect to Linux EC2 instances
  • host WordStack on an Amazon Linux 2 instance
  • identify the features and components of the AWS CodeDeploy managed deployment service
  • identify the features and components of the AWS CodePipeline CI/CD service
  • identify the features and functionality of Amazon App2Container
  • identify the tools used to monitor AWS Elastic Beanstalk applications and outline how to carry out AWS Elastic Beanstalk monitoring activities
  • install and configure SSL/TLS on an Amazon Linux AMI instance
  • install and configure the LAMP stack on an Amazon Linux AMI instance
  • list platforms available with AWS Elastic Beanstalk and outline how deployment with EB works
  • outline automated software testing such as unit and mock testing
  • outline how the Elastic Container Service (ECS) is implemented on AWS and list its features and capabilities
  • outline the AWS OpsWorks configuration management service and how it uses Puppet or Chef to configure and operate applications in the cloud
  • outline the capabilities, features, and terminology associated with AWS CodeArtifact
  • outline the differences between tightly coupled and loosely coupled components
  • prepare, build, run, and validate an AWS Nitro Enclave before terminating the enclave
  • recognize the features and components of Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR)
  • set up a stage using the API Gateway
  • summarize the features and components of Amazon EC2 for AWS Nitro Enclaves