AWS Developer Associate 2021: AWS Development and Refactoring Competency (Intermediate Level)

  • 30m
  • 30 questions
The AWS Development and Refactoring Competency benchmark measures your ability to write code that interacts with AWS services by using APIs, SDKs, and AWS CLI. You will be assessed on your understanding of translating functional requirements into application design and implementing the design into application code. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to write resilient code for serverless applications and optimize applications to best use AWS services and features.

Topics covered

  • create a cluster with a Fargate task using the Amazon ECS CLI
  • create a keyspace and table using Amazon Keyspaces and perform CRUD operations
  • create an Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics application to aggregate sensor data in real time
  • create an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose to deliver data from an Amazon Kinesis stream
  • create an AWS CodeCommit version control repository and practice managing tags
  • create and build a sample application using the AWS CodeBuild service
  • create and configure an Amazon DocumentDB service and insert and query data
  • create and manage a vault and an archive using Amazon S3 Glacier
  • create and test a simple HTTP API using a Lambda function and the Amazon API Gateway
  • create and use an Amazon EFS file system for storing files
  • define the concept of Configuration as Code and list the features and benefits it provides
  • describe how to configure security and logging for the Amazon API Gateway
  • describe the configuration management service AWS OpsWorks and how it uses Puppet or Chef to configure and operate applications in the cloud
  • describe the features, advantages, and architecture of Amazon EMR and outline how to set it up
  • describe the features and capabilities of Amazon ECS Clusters
  • describe the features and components of the Amazon Redshift Database Service
  • describe the features and components of the Cloud9 IDE and the activities it's used for
  • describe the features and functionality of Amazon App2Container
  • describe the functionality and components of AWS Lake Formation, how to set it up, and the main security considerations involved
  • describe what Amazon AppFlow is used for, outline its core features, and summarize setup requirements
  • describe what Amazon CloudSearch is used for, list its multiple functionalities, and outline how to manage it
  • identify the features and components of the Amazon DynamoDB Service
  • identify the features and components of the Amazon Quantum Ledger Database Service
  • install the AWS CLI using Docker
  • list and manage packages that exist in a repository in AWS CodeArtifact
  • list the features and components of the AWS CodeBuild managed build service
  • outline the features and components of the AWS CodePipeline CI/CD service
  • outline the features, functionality, and capabilities of Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)
  • summarize the features of Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) available for software developers to interact and connect to this service
  • use the AWS Command Line Interface to connect to DynamoDB, Amazon EC2, and AWS Identity Access Management (IAM)