Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP): Cloud Data, Platform, and Infrastructure Security Competency (Intermediate Level)

  • 15m
  • 15 questions
The Cloud Data, Platform, and Infrastructure Security Competency (Intermediate Level) benchmark measures your knowledge of securing cloud platforms, infrastructure, and cloud data. You will be evaluated on your skills in data classification, retention, encryption, leakage and loss prevention, storage security, and backup and recovery. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates competency in many security areas concerning cloud platforms, infrastructure, and cloud data. They have some practical experience with CCSP topics, including securing cloud data, virtual and physical components, network design, application development and deployment, vulnerability and identity and access management, and incident response and recovery principles and procedures.

Topics covered

  • compare cloud management plane solutions
  • compare data obfuscation techniques including masking, anonymization, and tokenization
  • define cloud data concepts including cloud data life cycle phases, data dispersion, data flows, and data ownership
  • design and implement cloud data storage architectures and recognize threats to storage types
  • differentiate the physical security methods for cloud environments
  • identify the elements of cloud communications
  • list cloud virtualization resources
  • name core cloud compute resources
  • name the core components of cloud storage
  • outline how to work with keys, secrets, and certificates management
  • outline the components of cloud networking environments
  • outline the concepts of auditability, traceability and accountability of data events
  • outline the concepts of Data Loss Prevention (DLP) and Information Rights Management (IRM)
  • outline the data discovery methodology
  • plan and implement data classification policy