Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Competency (Intermediate Level)

  • 23m
  • 23 questions
The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Competency (Intermediate Level) benchmark measures your competency in many Kubernetes technologies and the context that these technologies fit. It also measures your experience level, implying that you have spent some time working on Kubernetes projects. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have working project knowledge of Kubernetes, understand the problems it solves, and are able to actively participate in informed conversations and decision-making processes regarding Kubernetes technologies. They can understand the scope of a project, are seen as a relative subject matter expert, and can work mostly independently with supervision on Kubernetes projects.

Topics covered

  • describe the different container orchestration options and container orchestration deployment options that can be adopted to manage containerized deployments
  • describe the features of nodes along with the recommended approach to provision and add nodes to Kubernetes clusters
  • describe the key features and components of Kubernetes
  • describe the key Kubernetes deployment strategies and specify the elements of the manifest file for each deployment strategy
  • describe the lifecycle of a Pod and list the possible values of the Pod phase and container states that run inside Pods
  • describe the process of upgrading Kubernetes clusters that are created using kubeadm
  • describe the purpose of Container Runtime Interface and list the Container runtimes supported by Kubernetes
  • describe the role of ConfigMaps and the different approaches of using ConfigMaps and configuring containers inside Pods
  • identify the pros and cons of the different recommended installation and configuration options for Kubernetes in order to able to select the right options
  • list the built-in tools provided by Kubernetes that can be used to work with the Kubernetes system efficiently
  • list the key criteria that need to be considered while evaluating Kubernetes solutions for enterprise workloads
  • list the key objective of Kubernetes services and the different approaches to exposing services
  • list the prominent infrastructure components that need be provisioned to deploy Kubernetes clusters and their components
  • recall the architecture of highly available Kubernetes and the benefits of multi-master high availability architecture
  • recall the concept and different types of Kubernetes Secrets along with the different approaches of using Secrets in Pods
  • recall the concept of workloads from the perspective of Kubernetes along with the workload resources that manages pods
  • recall the key considerations for Kubernetes deployment and recognize the pros and cons of some of the best known approaches for deploying Kubernetes
  • recall the path of transformation that we can adopt to transform monolith applications to microservices
  • recognize the advantages and disadvantages of the different approaches for setting up highly available Kubernetes clusters
  • recognize the challenges associated with monolith applications in the cloud along with the benefits afforded by microservices
  • recognize the concept of Pods in Kubernetes along with the approaches used by Pods to manage multiple containers
  • recognize the role of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation and the evolution of Kubernetes
  • recognize the workload resources that are used by Kubernetes to manage deployments and sets of Pods