Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Proficiency (Advanced Level)

  • 33m
  • 33 questions
The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Proficiency (Advanced Level) benchmark measures your advanced proficiency in Kubernetes technologies and the context that these technologies fit. It also measures your experience level, implying that you have extensive experience working on many Kubernetes projects. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have extensive project knowledge of Kubernetes, understand the problems it solves, and are able to drive informed conversations and decision-making processes regarding Kubernetes technologies. They can design the scope of a project and are seen as a subject matter expert that can work independently without supervision on Kubernetes projects.

Topics covered

  • describe the approach of using primary modes for finding a service supported by Kubernetes
  • describe the concept and approaches of cloning existing CSI Volumes in Kubernetes
  • describe the concept of DaemonSet and the patterns that can be used to communicate with Pods in a DaemonSet
  • describe the features of nodes along with the recommended approach to provision and add nodes to Kubernetes clusters
  • describe the goal of monitoring Kubernetes clusters and the differences between logging and monitoring
  • describe the key Kubernetes deployment strategies and specify the elements of the manifest file for each deployment strategy
  • describe the lifecycle of a Volume and Claim that reflects the interaction between PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim
  • describe the process of upgrading Kubernetes clusters that are created using kubeadm
  • describe the role of ConfigMaps and the different approaches of using ConfigMaps and configuring containers inside Pods
  • describe the steps to list managed services and plans available from a service broker and provision a new instance of a managed service
  • describe the use of StorageClass in Kubernetes and list the fields used to dynamically provision the PersistentVolume of a class
  • list and describe the features of the prominent tools that are used for templating YAML in Kubernetes
  • list the commands that can be used to troubleshoot components of Kubernetes clusters
  • list the critical problems faced by administrators while managing Pods and describe the recommended approaches to fixing identified issues
  • list the imperative commands that can be used to manage Kubernetes objects
  • list the key elements that need to be monitored in a Kubernetes cluster and recall the differences between whitebox and blackbox monitoring
  • list the prominent infrastructure components that need be provisioned to deploy Kubernetes clusters and their components
  • list the resource types and resource units that are used in Kubernetes and describe how Pods with resource limits are executed
  • list the types of Volumes that support Volume Expansion along with the Volume Binding modes of StorageClass
  • name the critical issues that force a Pod to remain stuck in a pending state and result in an unschedulable Pod and describe the recommendations to avoid such critical issues
  • outline the techniques that can be adopted to troubleshoot issues with etcd database
  • recall the architecture of highly available Kubernetes and the benefits of multi-master high availability architecture
  • recall the concept and different types of Kubernetes Secrets along with the different approaches of using Secrets in Pods
  • recall the concept of VolumeSnapshot along with the role of VolumeSnapshotContent and VolumeSnapshot API resources in creating VolumeSnapshots for users and administrators
  • recall the key considerations for Kubernetes deployment and recognize the pros and cons of some of the best known approaches for deploying Kubernetes
  • recall the key features of the essential components that are used to implement automation of service accounts
  • recognize Service Catalog features and the architecture of Service Catalog that needs to be configured to communicate with service brokers
  • recognize the advantages and disadvantages of the different approaches for setting up highly available Kubernetes clusters
  • recognize the critical errors in the configuration of Kubernetes resources and the common error messages that help troubleshoot configuration issues and eliminate errors
  • recognize the Kubernetes cluster metrics that help reveal the resource utilization of the entire cluster and outline how to collect metrics from Kubernetes clusters and export them to external endpoints
  • recognize the Kubernetes components that need to be investigated when planning troubleshooting
  • recognize the role of Kubernetes Garbage Collector along with the approach that controls dependent objects
  • recognize the workload resources that are used by Kubernetes to manage deployments and sets of Pods