Go Web Programming Literacy (Beginner Level)

  • 15m
  • 15 questions
The Go Web Programming Literacy benchmark measures your ability to create web applications and web services using Go standard libraries.​ You will be evaluated on your skills in creating structured web apps in Go using template packages, creating a Go web server, querying databases, and building web services in Go. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the ability to develop simple web applications and build RESTful web services in Go with the support of an extensive and powerful set of built-in standard libraries.

Topics covered

  • demonstrate how to create a simple RESTful web service using Go
  • demonstrate how to create HTTP requests using Go
  • demonstrate how to encode and decode JSON files using Go
  • demonstrate how to implement actions in Go
  • demonstrate how to implement web services using Go
  • demonstrate how to work with functions in Go templates
  • describe best practices for structuring Go web applications
  • describe handlers and handler functions in Go
  • describe how JSON output can be leveraged in Go
  • describe the purpose and features of http.Handler wrappers in Go
  • describe the purpose and features of ResponseWriter in Go
  • describe the purpose and features of template engines
  • describe the purpose and features of the Go httprouter package
  • store and retrieve data from a SQL database using the Go sql package
  • utilize gob streams