Java Data Structures Proficiency (Advanced Level)

  • 18m
  • 18 questions
The Java Data Structures Proficiency (Advanced Level) benchmark assesses your knowledge of implementing doubly linked and circular linked lists and performing operations on these linked lists. You will be evaluated on your skills in implementing the stack and queue data structures using linked lists, recognizing built-in classes for stacks and queues in Java, and working with the deque and priority queue. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to work with advanced data structures, implementations of the stack and queue using linked lists, and the priority queue.

Topics covered

  • build a queue using two stacks
  • check for well formed arithmetic expressions using stacks
  • count nodes and delete nodes in a circular linked list
  • delete a node from a doubly linked list
  • dequeue elements and peek into a queue implemented using linked lists
  • dequeue elements in a queue implemented as a circular queue
  • enqueue elements in a queue implemented using linked lists
  • find the minimum element in constant time in a stack
  • implement a double-ended queue
  • implement undo using stacks and the Command object
  • insert a new node at the head and tail of a doubly linked list
  • insert a new node in a circular linked list
  • pop elements from and peek into a stack implemented using linked lists
  • push new elements on to a stack implemented using linked lists
  • recall why enqueue is an O(N) operation in a queue implemented using arrays
  • traverse a doubly linked list from the last element to the first
  • use the built-in classes in Java for queues and stacks
  • use the priority queue and specify priorities using a comparator