Java Programming Fundamentals Competency (Intermediate Level)

  • 18m
  • 18 questions
The Java Programming Fundamentals Competency benchmark measures your knowledge of initializing, comparing, and working with string objects, as well as when to use == and .equals and work with wrapper objects for primitive types. You will be evaluated on your ability to structure if, if...else, nested if...else, and switch statements, and build complex control structures using the looping constructs in Java. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to work with String and wrapper classes and use the control flow statements to appropriately structure the code.

Topics covered

  • compare objects for semantic equality
  • demonstrate additional applications of using the else clause to provide an alternate code path to control program flow
  • differentiate between equality tests based on the == operator and .equals
  • differentiate between the StringBuffer and the StringBuilder object, and determine the right choice for your specific use-case
  • effectively use nested loops
  • extract primitive data types back from wrapper objects of type Integer, Float, etc.
  • identify common causes of infinite looping, such as incorrect use of the continue keyword
  • modify control flow in a program using the if construct
  • perform type conversions using methods available in various wrapper objects
  • short-circuit execution of the current loop iteration using the continue keyword
  • use enhanced for loops, also known as for-each loops, to iterate over arrays and iterable objects in Java
  • use enums (enumerated types) along with switch statements
  • use multiple loop variables to control the number of iterations in a while loop
  • use nested if-else conditions to deal with mutually exclusive conditions
  • use strings in if-else constructs, relying on the .equals method and avoiding the == operator
  • use string variables in switch statements
  • use the default keyword to deal with unexpected values in switch evaluation
  • use the do-while loop control structure to ensure that the body of a loop is always executed at least once, regardless of the value of the loop variable