Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Migrating to Azure SQL Databases Proficiency (Advanced Level)

  • 25m
  • 25 questions
The Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Migrating to Azure SQL Databases Proficiency benchmark measures a learner's skills in migrating existing databases to Microsoft SQL databases, applying migration methods for applications, securing benchmark data, tuning performance, managing traffic, and applying various application patterns. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the required skills to plan and migrate existing databases and applications to Azure SQL databases and apply various application patterns, as well as knowledge of security and performance tuning.

Topics covered

  • configure multiple storage accounts for each availability set
  • create linked services that connect to data sources in Azure data factory
  • define and create tables to specify how to access datasets
  • demonstrate how to configure multiple VMs in an availability set for redundancy
  • demonstrate how to configure SQL Server 2016 firewall rules
  • demonstrate how to create an Azure SQL Server 2016 database
  • demonstrate how to migrate a SQL Server database using the Microsoft Azure database wizard
  • describe alternative deployment options such as backing up to a file and URL
  • describe how to implement authentication in SQL Server 2016
  • describe how to migrate a non-SQL Server database
  • describe the 2-tier and 3-tier presentation and business tiers scale out and HADR application pattern
  • describe the 2-tier and 3-tier using the Azure VMs and Cloud services application pattern
  • describe the benefits of generating benchmark data
  • describe the business tier scale out application pattern
  • describe the data transformation activities supported by Azure data factory
  • describe the Iometer tool and how it can be used to gather benchmark data
  • develop application retry connection logic
  • discuss how to create connection strings for Azure storage accounts
  • explain how and when to use Azure resource manager
  • explain the N-Tier hybrid application pattern
  • explain the performance traffic routing method
  • explain the priority traffic routing method
  • explain the weighted traffic routing method
  • explain why it is important to perform cache warming prior to gathering benchmark data
  • parse a connection string from a configuration file