Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 11 Developer Literacy (Beginner Level)

  • 30m
  • 30 questions
The Java SE 11 Developer Literacy benchmark measures your knowledge of Java objects, interfaces, lambda expressions, List and ArrayList instances, nested loops, and exceptions. You will be evaluated on your skills in applying modifiers, overloading features, transferring empty strings, and using nest-based access control. You will also be measured on your knowledge of Java serialization filters, jdeprscan tool, streams, pattern-based and custom filters, unmodifiable collections, and processes. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to recognize and work with fundamental language enhancements, core JVM enhancement features, core Java libraries, and JShell.

Topics covered

  • create a class that implements a constructor in Java
  • create a LocalDateTime object to display the current date and time
  • create and access static members
  • create and implement interfaces
  • create a process and retrieve process information
  • create class setter methods with value checking
  • create JShell scratch and traditional variables
  • create try-catch blocks and determine how exceptions alter program flow
  • create unmodifiable collections, including Lists, Sets, and Maps
  • declare and use List and ArrayList instances
  • describe how JShell enhances an IDE
  • describe how objects are stored in memory in Java
  • describe the differences between class inheritance and interface inheritance, including Abstract classes
  • describe the Modular JDK in Java SE 11
  • implement methods that return values of a specified return type in Java
  • list the performance enhancements in Oracle’s HotSpot Virtual Machine technology
  • parse a date in a particular localized form and convert it to ISO format
  • recall the differences between overloading, overriding, and hiding
  • recall the prominent features of Native Memory Tracking
  • recognize the JDK 11 core Java libraries
  • use a standard for loop and nest a for loop within the body of another loop
  • use Java SE 11 nest-based access control
  • use public and private access modifiers
  • use streams to filter processes
  • use the args array in the main method to accept command line arguments
  • use the save and open JShell commands
  • work with Java serialization filters
  • work with multiple references pointing to the same object in Java
  • work with the jdeprscan tool
  • write directives to control compilation