Python Unit Testing Literacy (Beginner Level)

  • 15m
  • 15 questions
The Python Unit Testing Literacy (Beginner Level) benchmark measures your ability to develop and debug Python applications using the PyCharm IDE. You will be assessed on your skills in defining and running tests for Python using the unittest unit testing framework. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to work with the PyCharm IDE and use the unittest framework in Python.

Topics covered

  • analyze the state of an application in the middle of code execution with the use of breakpoints
  • apply name changes to variables and functions to all their references
  • customize syntax highlighting for various source files in your Python project
  • define and execute multiple tests within a single test case
  • identify the various assert functions available in unittest and their specific use cases
  • install and configure the PyCharm IDE on your system
  • install a Python package using the PyCharm IDE
  • install the latest version of Python and write a test using the unittest framework
  • minimize typing errors by using the auto-complete feature
  • pause code execution at a line only under a specified condition
  • pick individual tests from a script which need to be executed
  • recognize the effect of the test names on the execution of test methods
  • use the different decorators available in unittest to conditionally and unconditionally skip specific tests
  • use the resume button to ensure that code execution only pauses at breakpoints
  • use the step into feature to get inside function calls and step over to run them in one go