Python Web App Development with Flask Literacy (Beginner Level)

  • 20m
  • 20 questions
The Python Web App Development with Flask Literacy (Beginner Level) benchmark evaluates your ability to use the Python Requests package to make HTTP requests and parse the responses. You will be assessed on your skills in recognizing the need for a web framework and the features of Flask that speed up the development of a web application, as well as creating a basic website with Flask using boilerplate HTML files and templates. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to make HTTP requests with Python and build a simple website using Flask.

Topics covered

  • catch errors that are thrown by HTTP requests by using the exceptions module in the Requests package
  • define a route that renders an HTML page when a URL is accessed
  • describe the roles of routes in a Flask application and the options available when defining a route function
  • generate URLs dynamically using the url_for function
  • handle successful and unsuccessful HTTP requests according to the status code of the response
  • identify some of the commonly used extensions in Flask applications and recall the purpose they serve
  • identify the format of an HTTP Response and parse the data accordingly
  • inherit the elements from a base template in a child template HTML file
  • install Flask in a virtual environment on your development machine
  • install the Python Requests package and set up a workspace
  • invoke a GET request that includes parameters
  • invoke PUT, OPTIONS, and DELETE requests and recognize the specific use case for each of them
  • modify the boilerplate CSS and HTML definitions to customize the look of a web site
  • parse a response body containing JSON-formatted data
  • recall the features of the Flask framework that are available either out of the box or via extensions
  • recognize the need for templates when defining a web site and describe the use of Jinja for this purpose
  • recognize when an HTTP request has triggered a redirect, explore the redirect history, and configure the read and connect timeout values for a request
  • retrieve metadata for a resource by means of a HEAD request
  • submit data to using their APIs and with a POST request
  • write the code for a simple "Hello World" web site using Flask