Security Threat Intelligence Literacy (Beginner Level)

  • 24m
  • 24 questions
The Security Threat Intelligence Literacy benchmark measures whether a learner has had some exposure to security threat intelligence practices and processes. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates literacy in all areas of the security threat intelligence discipline. They are able to participate in security threat intelligence discussions and understand the advice of more advanced security threat intelligence practitioners.

Topics covered

  • classify and describe different types of security controls
  • classify the expectations of users and organizations in relation to security, IT systems, permissions, and usage
  • define the concept of security governance in relation to information security
  • define the function of security architecture and name related frameworks
  • define the purpose of security controls and name security control methods
  • define the role of humans in protecting the security of information
  • describe examples of risks that can occur to anyone in any situation as well as those that expose organizations to security risks
  • describe how proper information security can support the organization's overall business objectives
  • describe the availability concepts of the CIA Triad
  • describe the CIA triad and its importance and outline some cybersecurity confidentiality concepts
  • describe the integrity concepts of the CIA Triad
  • describe the purpose and importance of cybersecurity and outline the cybersecurity framework
  • describe the standard information security roles within an organization
  • describe the various types of approaches to cybersecurity
  • discuss the CIA impacts and methods
  • list the domains into which various types of information security can be categorized
  • list the responsibilities of various information security roles within an organization
  • list the standard security governance activities that relate to information security
  • outline the core foundational concepts of information security and recognize why it is important to an organization
  • recall what is meant by information security, what it protects, and how it protects it
  • recognize that security is everyone's responsibility in a professional environment and outline how to use the Responsible-Accountable-Consulted-Informed (RACI) chart to see different responsibilities are distributed
  • recognize the importance of effective communication for fostering proper information security
  • recognize the importance of strategic planning and decision-making when it comes to information security
  • use case studies and examples to illustrate what can happen when information is not protected