Spring Web MVC Framework Proficiency (Advanced Level)

  • 10m
  • 10 questions
The Spring Web MVC Framework Proficiency (Advanced Level) benchmark measures your knowledge of connecting a web application to a MySQL server database. You will be evaluated on your skills in using JDBC templates to query a database, setting up login and register pages on an app, as well as performing create, read, update, and delete operations using Spring MVC. Learners who score high on this benchmark demonstrate that they have the skills to set up a basic web application using the 3-tier architecture, use JDBC templates to query a database, and perform CRUD operations using REST APIs.

Topics covered

  • configure the data source connection to MySQL
  • download and set up starter templates for your application
  • implement custom form validators
  • implement the REST API for create operations
  • implement the REST API for delete operations
  • implement the REST API for read operations
  • implement three tiers of your web application
  • perform form validation using built-in and custom validators
  • register a new user in the application
  • Set up login and register forms