Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3 Competency (Intermediate Level)

  • 31m
  • 31 questions
The Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3 Competency benchmark will evaluate your ability to work with images, text, tags, and media in HTML5; use HTML5 forms for submitting data; and use the validation, completion, and input attributes of forms. You will be assessed on your skills to manipulate the HTML5 objects to format them into the layout you desire and use SVG in HTML5. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to work with HTML5 design elements and perform design and data manipulations with CSS and JavaScript.

Topics covered

  • add a datalist to an HTML5 form
  • add CSS3 style to a hyperlink's hover and visited states in a HTML5 document
  • add Flash to an HTML5 document
  • add transparency to an SVG object in an HTML5 document
  • apply a rotation to text in an HTML5 document
  • apply regular expressions to form input fields in HTML5
  • apply size contraints to a canvas to have it fit the size of the screen in an HTML5 document
  • Change the content of HTML objects
  • configure the way text will wrap around images in HTML5
  • create a clickable div that will act like an HTML5 button
  • create CSS styles that will apply to only an element  with a given ID in an HTML5 document
  • describe how and when relative positioning should be used in an HTML5 document
  • describe how information about the playback of media can be retrieved in HTML5
  • describe how SVG can be used to make a rectangle with rounded corners in an HTML5 document
  • describe how the action attribute can affect how a webpage will act when it is submitted in HTML5
  • describe how the article and section tags are used in HTML5
  • describe how to apply a style only to the child elements, also referred to as nested elements, of an element in an HTML5 document
  • describe how to change, add, or remove a style to a single element that already has a CSS3 style applied in an HTML5 document
  • describe how to check for HTML5 File API support
  • describe how to play video files in HTML5
  • describe how to rotate SVG objects in HTML5
  • describe the difference between semantic and structural elements in HTML5
  • describe when to use the HTML5 novalidate form attribute
  • Modify CSS3 styles using JavaScript
  • pass HTML object information to JavaScript functions
  • perform canvas operations to load and display a bitmap graphic in an HTML5 document
  • use CSS3 to modify a hyperlink's appearance in an HTML5 document
  • use HTML5 to render text on the canvas
  • use the keygen tag to generate a key in an HTML5 document
  • use the wbr tag to control when a line break will occur if a line break is needed in an HTML5 document
  • work with the HTML5 canvas to track objects