Fueled by Opportunity
A Continuous Talent Pipeline Building for Agility in Every Aspect of Business and Society
Knowing how to do something isn’t a precondition for doing it. Easy words to say, but hard for many organizations to follow. At Adani Group, they don’t just believe this can be true, they have built an entire business proving that philosophy can fuel growth.
The Adani Group is an integrated business conglomerate in India which consists of six publicly traded companies with combined revenues of $13 billion. Founded in 1988, led by their visionary Chairman Sh. Gautam Adani, they have grown to become a global integrated infrastructure player with businesses in key industry verticals – natural resources, logistics, energy, agro and many others.
In the western-most tip of India there was nothing but remote marshland. While others saw how much work would be needed, they saw opportunity. Without any prior experience building ports, they transformed that remote land into one of the busiest port. Similarly, they built the world’s largest solar power plant in a single location. And these are only two examples. While they continue to work towards mitigating urban-rural divides and creating equal developmental opportunities across geographies, they also keep exploring new horizons catering to the changing aspirations of New India and the World.
Their over 15,000 employees operate across more than 150 locations including some of the most remote environments of India. Their mission is “Growth with Goodness” with effective contribution to “Nation Building”, and for them the best way to live those ideals is to always be learning.
One way they bring this idea to life is encouraging leaders and managers to consider themselves as “Owners,” but they don’t just say “be an owner,” rather they show them how. Their structured level wise leadership learning journey spans almost a year and has demonstrated remarkable results in contributing to the business growth and culture building.
“Knowing how to do something isn’t a precondition for going after an opportunity.”
Dr. Malay Mahadev
Director – Group HR
Adani Group
For an employee at Adani, being proactive and taking accountability for oneself and for the team member’s development through continuous learning helps to infuse and bring into practice the very intent of enriching lives, through state-of-the-art infrastructure and their contributions to nation-building. They certainly believe that they have a duty to grow with goodness, and that the best way to live their ideals is to always be learning. In everything they do, the HR team works closely with employees to collaborate.
In addition to a sense of ownership, every team member has speed in their DNA. Realizing their vision means building, testing and deploying complex projects quickly. They do it because they aren’t afraid to learn while doing and take failure (if any) as learning and in a positive way. In this environment, communicating well is essential even across the diverse cultures within their organization. Alignment in learning comes with courses directly mapped to the robust Adani Competency framework. Project and change management courses are also heavily utilized by employees through their eLearning initiative aptly titled as eVidyalaya.
Their high need for achievement, pace of project execution and diversity in workforce are some of the strengths that fuels new opportunities, but it also means they are always building a talent pipeline to be ready for the next one that comes knocking. Their leadership development journeys and agile learning behavior exhibited by employees are one of the best among peers and other industry segments.