Program Value Toolkit

A strong learning program is a valuable resource that can serve as an excellent indicator of an agile learning organization. It is also important to measure the impact of your programs and show value to your executives regularly. But how can you illustrate your program's value to key stakeholders? Delve into the following resources to help define and communicate your program's positive impact to the executive team.

Organizational Maturity Index Infographic

Take the self-diagnostic to identify your strengths and identify actionable items to further your learning program!

Case Studies

Review the Skillsoft case studies to see how other companies are delivering value with their learning program.

Percipio Knowledge Base: Setting Goals with Assignments

Review the Percipio Knowledgebase to learn how to associate business goals with assignments on individual or group level.

Success Criteria Workbook

It is important to develop value-based success criteria. Use this workbook to define the success criteria for your learning program.

TDrP Executive Brief

This brief by the world’s leading talent measurement firm illustrates how to run learning like a business to show the value of learning.

Client Community: Value

See additional resources on our Client Community to find out how Skillsoft can help you show the value of your learning program.