50 Success Classics: Winning Wisdom for Work and Life from 50 Landmark Books

  • 10h 20m 18s
  • Tom Butler-Bowdon
  • Gildan Media
  • 2006

Millions of us are drawn each year to find the one great book that will capture our imagination and inspire us to chart a course to personal and professional fulfillment. 50 Success Classics is the first and only ‘bite-sized’ guide to the most important and inspiring works that have already demonstrated their power to change lives.

In this Audiobook

  • Chapter 1: Horatio Alger
  • Chapter 2: Warren Bennis
  • Chapter 3: Frank Bettger
  • Chapter 4: Kenneth Blanchard & Spencer Johnson
  • Chapter 5: Edward Bok
  • Chapter 6: Claude M. Bristol
  • Chapter 7: Roger Lowenstein
  • Chapter 8: Andrew Carnegie
  • Chapter 9: Chin-Ning Chu
  • Chapter 10: George S. Clason
  • Chapter 11: Robert Collier
  • Chapter 12: Jim Collins
  • Chapter 13: Russell H. Conwell
  • Chapter 14: Stephen R. Covey
  • Chapter 15: Michael Dell
  • Chapter 16: Henry Ford
  • Chapter 17: Benjamin Franklin
  • Chapter 18: W. Timothy Gallwey
  • Chapter 19: John Paul Getty
  • Chapter 20: Les Giblin
  • Chapter 21: Baltasar Gracian
  • Chapter 22: Earl G. Graves
  • Chapter 23: Napoleon Hill
  • Chapter 24: Napoleon Hill & W. Clement Stone
  • Chapter 25: Tom Hopkins
  • Chapter 26: Muriel James & Dorothy Jongeward
  • Chapter 27: Spencer Johnson
  • Chapter 28: Robert Kiyosaki
  • Chapter 29: David S. Landes
  • Chapter 30: Donald T. Phillips
  • Chapter 31: Jim Loehr & Tony Schwartz
  • Chapter 32: Nelson Mandela
  • Chapter 33: Orison Swett Marden
  • Chapter 34: J. W. Marriott Jr.
  • Chapter 35: Catherine Ponder
  • Chapter 36: Cheryl Richardson
  • Chapter 37: Anthony Robbins
  • Chapter 38: Robin Gerber
  • Chapter 39: David J. Schwartz
  • Chapter 40: Florence Scovel Shinn
  • Chapter 41: Margot Morrell & Stephanie Capparell
  • Chapter 42: Thomas J. Stanley
  • Chapter 43: Brian Tracy
  • Chapter 44: Sun Tzu
  • Chapter 45: Sam Walton
  • Chapter 46: Wallace D. Wattles
  • Chapter 47: Jack Welch
  • Chapter 48: John Whitmore
  • Chapter 49: Richard Wiseman
  • Chapter 50: Zig Ziglar