50 Ways to Get a Job: An Unconventional Guide to Finding Work on Your Terms

  • 5h 18m 29s
  • Dev Aujla
  • Blackstone Audio, Inc. dba Blackstone Publishing
  • 2018

Based on information gained from over 400,000 individuals who have used these exercises, this book reveals career expert Dev Aujla’s tried-and-tested method for job seekers at every stage of their career. Filled with anecdotes and advice from professionals ranging from a wilderness guide to an architect, it includes quick-step exercises that help you avoid the common pitfalls of navigating a modern career.

In this Audiobook

  • Chapter 1 - Map Your Current Career Path
  • Chapter 2 - Find a Friend in the Same Situation
  • Chapter 3 - Schedule a Vacation Buffer
  • Chapter 4 - Download Your Bank Statement
  • Chapter 5 - Update LinkedIn as Your Future Self
  • Chapter 6 - Field Note: Dealing with Jealousy
  • Chapter 7 - Finding Your Center of Gravity
  • Chapter 8 - Describe Your Dream Job
  • Chapter 9 - Interview Someone
  • Chapter 10 - Write Fiction About Yourself
  • Chapter 11 - Go on a Solo Trip
  • Chapter 12 - Field Note: Finding a New Way of Being
  • Chapter 13 - Commit to Doing These Four Things When You Feel Overwhelmed
  • Chapter 14 - Make Structural Changes to Your Living Space
  • Chapter 15 - Sit Quietly in a Room for Forty-Five Minutes
  • Chapter 16 - Rethink Your Daily Routine
  • Chapter 17 - Renegotiate Five Commitments
  • Chapter 18 - Field Note: Situating Yourself
  • Chapter 19 - Make a List of Your Skills
  • Chapter 20 - Make a List of What You Want to Learn
  • Chapter 21 - Go on a Research Trip
  • Chapter 22 - Create a Company Brief
  • Chapter 23 - Learn Outside of School
  • Chapter 24 - Take Better Notes
  • Chapter 25 - Look for Answers in Unlikely Places
  • Chapter 26 - Field Note: Finding Interest in the Details
  • Chapter 27 - List Twenty People Whose Careers You Admire
  • Chapter 28 - Help Five People
  • Chapter 29 - Map a Network
  • Chapter 30 - Create a Course Pack
  • Chapter 31 - Reconnect with Five Mentors from Your Past
  • Chapter 32 - E-mail Someone You Don't Know
  • Chapter 33 - Make a Company List
  • Chapter 34 - Choose Three Events to Attend
  • Chapter 35 - Practice Different Ways of Introducing Yourself
  • Chapter 36 - Find Your Future Boss
  • Chapter 37 - Field Note: Cultivating Curiosity
  • Chapter 38 - Make Your Own Finish Line
  • Chapter 39 - Send a “Looking for a Job” E-mail to Five Close Friends
  • Chapter 40 - Find a Just-Ahead Mentor
  • Chapter 41 - Record Yourself in a Stressful Situation
  • Chapter 42 - Win Over Someone Who Cast You Aside
  • Chapter 43 - Switch Plans
  • Chapter 44 - Field Note: Living with Less
  • Chapter 45 - Go to a Job Board and Then Leave
  • Chapter 46 - Organize Your Job Search in a Spreadsheet
  • Chapter 47 - Talk to a Recruiter
  • Chapter 48 - Find a Job Title
  • Chapter 49 - Get a Side Hustle
  • Chapter 50 - Send This E-mail to the Company You Want to Work for
  • Chapter 51 - Field Note: Balancing Physical and Mental Work
  • Chapter 52 - Prepare Your Interview Story
  • Chapter 53 - Prove You are Mission-Aligned
  • Chapter 54 - Decide When to Work for Free
  • Chapter 55 - Write Your Own Job Description
  • Chapter 56 - Change Your Decision-Making Method
  • Chapter 57 - Start Work Without Telling the Company
  • Chapter 58 - Field Note: Deciding How Much You Need to Make
  • You Got a Job