Business Strategy (The Brian Tracy Success Library)

  • 2h 27m 7s
  • Brian Tracy
  • Gildan Media
  • 2015

Setting business strategy enables you to develop absolute clarity, establish priorities, organize resources and get better results than ever before. A strategic plan helps crystalize the future of an organization--mapping a clear path from where the company stands today to where you wish it to be.

It may sound complicated, but Brian Tracy knows how to make it simple.

In this Audiobook

  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Strategy: Alexander the Great
  • Chapter 2: The Principles of Effective Strategy
  • Chapter 3: Key Questions in Strategic Planning
  • Chapter 4: The Key Players in Setting Strategy
  • Chapter 5: Values, Vision, and Purpose
  • Chapter 6: Determine Your Corporate Mission
  • Chapter 7: The Driving Force: Key to Strategy
  • Chapter 8: Concentration of Power
  • Chapter 9: Zero-Based Thinking
  • Chapter 10: Investment and Divestment Strategy
  • Chapter 11: Crisis Anticipation
  • Chapter 12: Market Share, Market Growth Metrics
  • Chapter 13: Strategic Business Units
  • Chapter 14: Choosing Your Competition
  • Chapter 15: Strategic Areas for Consideration
  • Chapter 16: The Strategy Operations Matrix
  • Chapter 17: Four Important Strategic Questions
  • Chapter 18: The Financial Objectives of Strategy
  • Chapter 19: Strategies for Profitability
  • Chapter 20: The Strategy of Quality Leadership
  • Chapter 21: Four Central Concepts in Strategic Planning