DevOps for the Modern Enterprise: Winning Practices to Transform Legacy IT Organizations

  • 6h 45m 3s
  • Mirco Hering
  • IT Revolution Press
  • 2018

Many organizations are facing the uphill battle of modernizing their legacy IT infrastructure. Most have evolved over the years by taking lessons from traditional or legacy manufacturing to create a production process that puts the emphasis on the process instead of the people performing the tasks. This allows the organization to treat people like resources to try to achieve high-quality outcomes. But those practices and ideas are failing modern IT, where collaboration and creativeness are required to achieve high-performing, high-quality success.

Mirco Hering, a thought leader in managing IT within legacy organizations, lays out a road map to success for IT managers and tells them how to create the right ecosystem, how to empower people to bring their best to work every day, and how to put the right technology in the driver's seat to propel their organization to success.

But just having the right methods and tools will not magically transform an organization. The cultural change is the hardest and the most impactful. Using principles from Agile, Lean, and DevOps as well as firsthand examples from the enterprise world, Hering addresses the different challenges that legacy organizations face as they transform into modern IT departments.

In this Audiobook

  • Chapter 1 The Roadmap to Transformation
  • Chapter 2 Accepting the Multispeed Reality (for Now)
  • Chapter 3 Dealing with Software Packages and Software Vendors
  • Chapter 4 Finding the Right Partner
  • Chapter 5 Context is King
  • Chapter 6 Structuring Yourself for Success
  • Chapter 7 From Testers to Quality Engineers
  • Chapter 8 Managing People, Not Resources
  • Chapter 9 Different Delivery Models
  • Chapter 10 Application Architecture and Microservices
  • Chapter 11 Running Applications and Your DevOps Tools Efficiently
  • Chapter 12 The Cloud