Digital Darwinism: Survival of the Fittest in the Age of Business Disruption

  • 7h 9m 13s
  • Tom Goodwin
  • Kogan Page
  • 2019

Digital Darwinism takes a closer look at disruptive thinking to inspire those who want to be the best at digital transformation. Change across business is accelerating, but the lifespan of companies is decreasing as leaders face a growing abundance of decisions to make, data to process and technology that threatens even the most established business models. These forces could destroy your company or, with the right strategy in place, help you transform it into a market leader. Digital Darwinism lends a guiding hand through the turbulence, offering practical strategies while sounding a call to action that lights a fire underneath complacency to inspire creative change.

Digital Darwinism shines a light on the future by exploring technology, society, and lessons from the past so you can understand how to adapt, what to embrace and what to ignore. Tom Goodwin proves that assumptions the business world has previously made about "digital" are wrong: incremental change isn't good enough, adding technology at the edges won't work and digital isn't a thing - it's everything. If you want your organization to succeed in the post-digital age, you need to be enlightened by Digital Darwinism.

In this Audiobook

  • Chapter 01 - Business in the Age of Disruption
  • Chapter 02 - The Electrical Revolution That Never Was
  • Chapter 03 - The Three Eras of Technology
  • Chapter 04 - Unleashing the Power of the Paradigm Shift
  • Chapter 05 - Digital Transformation
  • Chapter 06 - Starting Your Disruption
  • Chapter 07 - Today's Business Dynamics
  • Chapter 08 - A Changing Canvas
  • Chapter 09 - Preparing for the New World
  • Chapter 10 - Tooling Ourselves for the Future
  • Chapter 11 - A Final Focus on People