HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations

  • 3h 17m 43s
  • Nancy Duarte
  • Gildan Media
  • 2022


Terrified of speaking in front of a group? Or simply looking to polish your skills? No matter where you are on the spectrum, this guide will give you the confidence and the tools you need to get results.

Written by presentation expert Nancy Duarte, the HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations will help you: win over tough crowds; organize a coherent narrative; create powerful messages and visuals; connect with and engage your audience; show people why your ideas matter to them; and strike the right tone, in any situation.

About the Author

Nancy Duarte is a skilled CEO, inspired presenter, and gifted educator. Principal of Duarte Design since 1990, Nancy Duarte is a sought-after speaker whose own presentations live up to the expectations established in her books. Those books include slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations and Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences.

In this Audiobook

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1 - Understand the Audience’s Power
  • Chapter 2 - Segment the Audience
  • Chapter 3 - Present Clearly and Concisely to Senior Executives
  • Chapter 4 - Get to Know Your Audience
  • Chapter 5 - Define How You’ll Change the Audience
  • Chapter 6 - Find Common Ground
  • Chapter 7 - Define Your Big Idea
  • Chapter 8 - Generate Content to Support the Big Idea
  • Chapter 9 - Anticipate Resistance
  • Chapter 10 - Amplify Your Message Through Contrast
  • Chapter 11 - Build an Effective Call to Action
  • Chapter 12 - Choose Your Best Idea
  • Chapter 13 - Organize Your Thoughts
  • Chapter 14 - Balance Analytical and Emotional Appeal
  • Chapter 15 - Lose the Jargon
  • Chapter 16 - Craft Sound Bites
  • Chapter 17 - Apply Storytelling Principles
  • Chapter 18 - Create a Solid Structure
  • Chapter 19 - Craft the Beginning
  • Chapter 20 - Develop the Middle
  • Chapter 21 - Make the Ending Powerful
  • Chapter 22 - Add Emotional Texture
  • Chapter 23 - Use Metaphors as Your Glue
  • Chapter 24 - Create Something They’ll Always Remember
  • Chapter 25 - Choose the Right Vehicle for Your Message
  • Chapter 26 - Make the Most of Slide Software
  • Chapter 27 - Determine the Right Length for Your Presentation
  • Chapter 28 - Persuade Beyond the stage
  • Chapter 29 - Share the stage
  • Chapter 30 - Think Like a Designer
  • Chapter 31 - Create Slides People Can “Get” in Three Seconds
  • Chapter 32 - Choose the Right Type of Slide
  • Chapter 33 - Storyboard One Idea per Slide
  • Chapter 34 - Avoid Visual Cliche’s
  • Chapter 35 - Arrange Slide Elements with Care
  • Chapter 36 - Clarify the Data
  • Chapter 37 - Turn Words into Diagrams
  • Chapter 38 - Use the Right Number of Slides
  • Chapter 39 - Know When to Animate
  • Chapter 40 - Rehearse Your Material Well
  • Chapter 41 - Know the Venue and Schedule
  • Chapter 42 - Anticipate Technology Glitches
  • Chapter 43 - Manage Your Stage Fright
  • Chapter 44 - Set the Right Tone for Your Talk
  • Chapter 45 - Be Yourself
  • Chapter 46 - Communicate with Your Body
  • Chapter 47 - Communicate with Your Voice
  • Chapter 48 - Make Your Stories Come to Life
  • Chapter 49 - Work Effectively with Your Interpreter
  • Chapter 50 - Get the Most out of Your Q&A
  • Chapter 51 - Build Trust with a Remote Audience
  • Chapter 52 - Keep Remote Listeners Interested
  • Chapter 53 - Keep Your Remote Presentation Running Smoothly
  • Chapter 54 - Build Relationships Through Social Media
  • Chapter 55 - Spread Your Ideas with Social Media
  • Chapter 56 - Gauge Whether You’ve Connected with People
  • Chapter 57 - Follow Up After Your Talk