Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja, Second Edition

  • 11h 15m 50s
  • Bear Bibeault, John Resig, Josip Maras
  • Manning Publications
  • 2018

More than ever, the web is a universal platform for all types of applications, and JavaScript is the language of the web. If you're serious about web development, it's not enough to be a decent JavaScript coder. You need to be ninja stealthy, efficient, and ready for anything. This audiobook shows you how.

Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja, Second Edition uses practical examples to clearly illustrate each core concept and technique. This completely revised edition shows you how to master key JavaScript concepts such as functions, closures, objects, prototypes, and promises. It covers APIs such as the DOM, events, and timers. You’ll discover best practice techniques such as testing and cross-browser development, all taught from the perspective of skilled JavaScript practitioners.

What’s inside:

  • Writing more effective code with functions, objects, and closures
  • Learning to avoid JavaScript application pitfalls
  • Using regular expressions to write succinct text-processing code
  • Managing asynchronous code with promises
  • Fully revised to cover concepts from ES6 and ES7

John Resig is an acknowledged JavaScript authority and the creator of the jQuery library. Bear Bibeault is a web developer and author of the first edition, as well as coauthor of Ajax in Practice, Prototype and Scriptaculous in Action, and jQuery in Action from Manning. Josip Maras is a postdoctoral researcher and teacher.

In this Audiobook

  • Chapter 1 - JavaScript is Everywhere
  • Chapter 2 - Building the Page at Runtime
  • Chapter 3 - First-Class Functions for the Novice: Definitions and Arguments
  • Chapter 4 - Functions for the Journeyman: Understanding Function Invocation
  • Chapter 5 - Functions for the Master: Closures and Scopes
  • Chapter 6 - Functions for the Future: Generators and Promises
  • Chapter 7 - Object Orientation with Prototypes
  • Chapter 8 - Controlling Access to Objects
  • Chapter 9 - Dealing with Collections
  • Chapter 10 - Wrangling Regular Expressions
  • Chapter 11 - Code Modularization Techniques
  • Chapter 12 - Working the DOM
  • Chapter 13 - Surviving Events
  • Chapter 14 - Developing Cross-Browser Strategies