The Apology Impulse: How the Business World Ruined Sorry and Why We Can't Stop Saying It

  • 8h 46m 11s
  • Cary Cooper, Sean O'Meara
  • Kogan Page
  • 2019

Saying sorry is in crisis. On one hand, there are anxious PR aficionados and social media teams dishing out apologies with alarming frequency. On the other hand, there are people and organizations who have done truly terrible things issuing much-delayed statements of mild regret.

We have become addicted to apologies but immune from saying sorry.

In January 2018, there were 35 public apologies from high-profile organizations and individuals. That's more than one per day. Between them, in 2017, the likes of Facebook, Mercedes Benz, and United Airlines issued over 2,000 words of apologies for their transgressions. Alarmingly, the word "sorry" didn't appear once.

This perfectly timed book examines the psychology, motivations, and even the economic rationale of giving an apology in the age of outrage culture and on-demand contrition. It reveals the tricks and techniques we all use to evade, reframe, and divert from what we did and demonstrates how professionals do it best. Providing lessons for businesses and organizations, you'll find out how to give meaningful apologies and know when to say sorry, or not say it at all.

The Apology Impulse is the perfect playbook for anyone - from social media executives to online influencers and CEOs - who apologize way too much or say sorry far too infrequently!

In this Audiobook

  • Chapter One - Introduction
  • Chapter Two - Who's Been Apologizing and What are They Sorry About?
  • Chapter Three - The Six Reasons Organizations Apologize and the One Reason They Won't
  • Chapter Four - Culture, Values and Consumer Expectations: Why ‘Sorry’ Means Different Things to Different Industries
  • Chapter Five - The Definitive Modern Apology and Why Everyone Ignored it
  • Chapter Six - If Everyone's Sorry, Nobody is Sorry: Are We All Apologizing Too Much?
  • Chapter Seven - How the Experts Apologize without Saying Sorry: ‘Runway Excursion Incidents’, ‘Re-Accommodating Passengers’ and ‘Overpressurization’
  • Chapter Eight - Schrödinger's Apology, Grammatical Deflections and Evasions
  • Chapter Nine - Crisis Fatigue and the Case for Rationing Apologies
  • Chapter Ten - It's Not about You: How CEOs Sabotage Their Own Apologies
  • Chapter Eleven - Keep Trying: Why it Took Three of the World's Biggest Brands Three Attempts to Say Sorry
  • Chapter Twelve - ‘Forced to Apologize’?: Fostering Resilience and Identifying Customer Intent
  • Chapter Thirteen - ‘We Got it Wrong’: What to Say When You've Killed a Puppy (and How to Fake Humility)
  • Chapter Fourteen - Self-Service Apologies: Performative Crisis Management and Teaching Consumers to Expect Too Much
  • Chapter Fifteen - Optics Anxiety and Apologizing for How Things Look
  • Chapter Sixteen - The True Cost of Corporate Atonement: Why Frontline Staff Pay the Price
  • Chapter Seventeen - The Economics of Saying Sorry: Why an Apology Could Cost $5 Billion
  • Chapter Eighteen - Crisis Communications and the Potential for Mischief: How Organizations Profit from Their Rivals' Apologies
  • Chapter Nineteen - Apology Laundering: How a Supermarket and an MP were Defrauded of ‘Sorry’
  • Chapter Twenty - Apologizing on Behalf of others: Lessons from Car Makers, Presidents and Freelance Apologizers
  • Chapter Twenty-One - £1 Million in Sales in Four Days: Discover the Unexpected Benefits of Not Saying Sorry
  • Chapter Twenty-Two - Don't Mistake Kindness for Weakness: Why the UK's ‘Nicest’ Brand Refused to Say Sorry
  • Chapter Twenty-Three - Conclusion: How to Manage the Apology Impulse and Deliver Meaningful Responses