The Outstanding Organization: Generate Business Results by Eliminating Chaos and Building the Foundation for Everyday Excellence

  • 6h 5m
  • Karen Martin
  • Brilliance Publishing
  • 2017

After two decades in the trenches of helping companies design and build better, more efficient operations, Karen Martin has pinpointed why performance improvement programs usually fail: Chaos, the sneaky but powerful force that frustrates customers, keeps business leaders awake at night, and saps company morale.

In The Outstanding Organization, Karen offers a toolbox for combating chaos by creating the organizational conditions that will allow your improvement efforts to return greater gains.

In this Audiobook

  • 1. Cracks in the Foundation
  • 2. Clarity
  • 3. Focus
  • 4. Discipline
  • 5. Engagement
  • 6. Conclusion: Adopting Habits That Pay


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