The Peace Index: A Five-Part Framework to Conquer Chaos and Find Fulfillment

  • 4h 4m 31s
  • Jeremie Kubicek
  • Gildan Media
  • 2022

Look around you. It doesn't take long to witness unrest, disruption, and chaos. Violent outbursts and market crashes take their toll. Journalism thrives on breaking news, and social media highlights broken lives. It's tempting to isolate and insulate. We often settle for cynical minds and calloused hearts as a means of coping with the chaos.

Thankfully, there's a proven path to peace. Author Jeremie Kubicek serves as your tour guide on a path that yields practical solutions. His groundbreaking Peace Index equips you to identify your perceived level of peace in five critical areas: Purpose, People, Place, Personal Health, and Provision.

But don't get comfortable or critical—your score is a moving target that changes every day, hour-by-hour, just like life. You need a solid strategy that keeps you grounded and growing, personally and professionally. Get ready to: experience a deeper understanding of the dangerous threats that aim to steal your authentic joy; create a clear game plan to combat chaos and win bigger in work and life; and embody an undeniable peaceful presence in a world that desperately craves hope and healing.

Be the change you wish to see—starting today!

About the Author

JEREMIE KUBICEK is a Wall Street Journal bestselling author, thought leader, and serial entrepreneur. He is the co-founder of GiANT Worldwide, Six Summers, Culture Wins, and billion. His books include Making Your Leadership Come Alive, 5 Gears, 5 Voices, and The 100X Leader.

In this Audiobook

  • Introduction: The War
  • CHAPTER ONE - The Number over Your Head
  • CHAPTER TWO - Purpose: The Reason You Get out of Bed
  • CHAPTER THREE - People: Those Who Make Us or Break Us
  • CHAPTER FOUR - Place: The Spaces That Supercharge Us
  • CHAPTER FIVE - Personal Health: Choosing Something Better
  • CHAPTER SIX - Provision: Nothing to Fear
  • CHAPTER SEVEN - Your Peace Plan
  • CHAPTER EIGHT - Keeping the Peace
  • CHAPTER NINE - Taking Care of Your People
  • Conclusion: it Is Up to You