The Three Value Conversations: How to Create, Elevate, and Capture Customer Value at Every Stage of the Long-Lead Sale
- 7h 22m 4s
- Cheryl Geoffrion, Conrad Smith, Erik Peterson, Tim Riesterer
- Recorded Books, Inc.
- 2016
The most successful salespeople understand that they are fundamentally storytellers. The reality is that to succeed in sales, you need to master the art of customer conversation. The best story told in the best way will always win. Being remarkable and memorable in your conversations is very important¯but it goes beyond great delivery. You must be able to articulate value.
In this Audiobook
Chapter 1: Create a Buying Vision
Chapter 2: Speak to Situations, Not Dispositions
Chapter 3: Unconsidered Needs Drive Unexpected Opportunity
Chapter 4: Keep Your Claims Limited and Focused
Chapter 5: Whiteboard Conversations Versus PowerPoint Presentations
Chapter 6: Overcoming a Fear of Heights
Chapter 7: Know Me Before You Meet Me: Developing Customer Insight
Chapter 8: Financial Statements and ROI
Chapter 9: Executive Engagement
Chapter 10: No Last-Minute Saves
Chapter 11: The Conversation Before the Conversation
Chapter 12: Pivotal Agreements
Chapter 13: Ask for More Than You Are Comfortable Asking
Chapter 14: Dealing with Price Pressure