You Are Not So Smart: Why You Have Too Many Friends on Facebook, Why Your Memory Is Mostly Fiction, and 46 Other Ways You're Deluding Yourself

  • 8h 24m 16s
  • David McRaney
  • Gildan Media
  • 2011

You believe you are a rational, logical being who sees the world as it really is, but journalist David McRaney is here to tell you that you're as deluded as the rest of us. But that's OK - delusions keep us sane. You Are Not So Smart is a celebration of self-delusion. It's like a psychology class, with all the boring parts taken out, and with no homework. Based on the popular blog of the same name, You Are Not So Smart collects more than 46 of the lies we tell ourselves everyday.

In this Audiobook

  • 1. Priming
  • 2. Confabulation
  • 3. Confirmation Bias
  • 4. Hindsight Bias
  • 5. The Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy
  • 6. Procrastination
  • 7. Normalcy Bias
  • 8. Introspection
  • 9. The Availability Heuristic
  • 10. The Bystander Effect
  • 11. The Dunning-Kruger Effect
  • 12. Apophenia
  • 13. Brand Loyalty
  • 14. The Argument from Authority
  • 15. The Argument from Ignorance
  • 16. The Straw Man Fallacy
  • 17. The Ad Hominem Fallacy
  • 18. The Just-World Fallacy
  • 19. The Public Goods Game
  • 20. The Ultimatum Game
  • 21. Subjective Validation
  • 22. Cult Indoctrination
  • 23. Groupthink
  • 24. Supernormal Releasers
  • 25. The Affect Heuristic
  • 26. Dunbar's Number
  • 27. Selling Out
  • 28. Self-Serving Bias
  • 29. The Spotlight Effect
  • 30. The Third Person Effect
  • 31. Catharsis
  • 32. The Misinformation Effect
  • 33. Conformity
  • 34. Extinction Burst
  • 35. Social Loafing
  • 36. The Illusion of Transparency
  • 37. Learned Helplessness
  • 38. Embodied Cognition
  • 39. The Anchoring Effect
  • 40. Attention
  • 41. Self-Handicapping
  • 42. Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
  • 43. The Moment
  • 44. Consistency Bias
  • 45. The Representativeness Heuristic
  • 46. Expectation
  • 47. The Illusion of Control
  • 48. The Fundamental Attribution Error