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An effective compliance training program includes a comprehensive mix of legal, workplace safety, and cybersecurity courses that take into consideration where an employee lives and works, and what role the person fills within your organization.
Because there is no universally mandated compliance training curriculum, employers must decide for themselves which courses they will require their employees to complete. Approaching this decision by asking, “What training should we provide to create a fair, safe and respectful environment for all employees?” will help frame the answer.
Additionally, looking at the types of courses other employers are using in their organizations can help to put your own compliance training program into perspective. Of Skillsoft’s top 100 most popular compliance course titles over the past year, 48% are legal training courses and 16% are cybersecurity courses. Thirty-six percent of our most-utilized courses can be categorized as environmental, health, and safety (EHS) courses. Those are the courses we’ll discuss today.
Every June, the National Safety Council (NSC) celebrates National Safety Month in the United States – an annual reminder that we need to work together to keep employees safe in the workplace. During each week throughout the month, the NSC focuses on a particular workplace hazard that has an outsized impact on today’s workforce. This month’s EHS focus areas are listed below.
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) include injuries to the muscles, nerves, tendons, joints, cartilage, or spinal discs – conditions like sprains or strains, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, or a hernia. MSDs are work-related when an employee’s work environment and performance of work contribute significantly to the condition, or the condition is made worse or persists longer due to work conditions.
MSDs are the leading cause of workplace injury and cost billions each year in workers’ compensation and lost productivity. Perhaps that’s why three of Skillsoft’s most popular EHS compliance training courses relate to MSDs.
The National Safety Council encourages employers to take a broad view of workplace impairment and consider it as anything that could hinder a person’s ability to function normally or safely. Some of us might immediately think of impairment as the dangers of substance use on the job. But did you also know that mental health is a major factor for impairment, as well?
A recent survey by Yale University reported that 29% of workers feel extreme stress because of their jobs. This puts them at an increased risk of anxiety, burnout, depression, and substance use disorders. In fact, 12.8 million working days are lost each year due to work-related stress, depression, or anxiety – with countless more due to substance abuse.
While compliance courses related to workplace impairment did not top Skillsoft’s list of most-utilized training topics this year, it is important to note that the Skillsoft team offers a variety of courses that can help improve your employees’ understanding of mental health and other types of impairment.
In addition to alcohol, drugs, and mental health, factors like fatigue and stress can also impair workers. Take a look at a recent post from Skillsoft on distracted driving.
In 2020 alone, more than four million workplace injuries required medical attention in the U.S. That’s why it is so important to learn how to prevent injuries and deaths, including identifying hazards and assessing risks. According to an article from EHS Today, many people believe, erroneously, that the following are true:
One of Skillsoft’s most popular EHS courses is:
Understanding potential hazards, and then taking the steps necessary to reduce them, is key to effective EHS compliance and overall worker safety.
With falls being the second-leading cause of unintentional injury-related death, it is important to reduce slips, trips, and falls in the workplace.. Here are two of Skillsoft’s top compliance courses related to this topic.
Did you know that Skillsoft offers global safety courses? The global safety principles courses, like Fall Prevention, listed above, are based on best practices, not regulations, and are appropriate for learners regardless of their location. The courses are delivered in English, but can be translated to other languages, as desired.
With the increasing number of employees now working remotely, we also have a course on preventing slips, trips, and falls from your home office!
While National Safety Month ends in June, your organization’s focus on workplace safety should extend throughout the entire year. Skillsoft offers more than 1,000 EHS compliance courses in 15+ languages. Here are some of our most utilized compliance courses that don’t fit into one of the categories listed for June, but that organizations frequently rely on to keep their teams safe.
Are you looking for more information on the top EHS compliance courses in use today? Reach out to Skillsoft’s compliance team today for more information on what courses are available, and how they can protect your employees from injury and illness at work.