Assessing Internal Job Candidates
- 1h 6m
- Jean M. Phillips, Stanley M. Gully
- Society for Human Resource Management
- 2009
Companies can find and explore different methods for evaluating current employees in this thorough and systematic guide. Discussing the primary goals of internal assessment—such as determining candidates for training, reassignment, promotion, or dismissal; deciding what developmental projects to assign employees; or effectively establishing who to dismiss and who to work hard to retain during downsizing—this manual relates the importance of this critical staffing function that many employees often do very poorly. Examining two models in-depth, this reference also shows different ways of evaluating a company's actual staffing procedures, making this a comprehensive guide.
About the Authors
Jean M. Phillips and Stanley M. Gully have their doctorates in human resources and are professors of human resource management at Rutgers University. They are the coauthors of Strategic Staffing. They both live in Annandale, New Jersey.
In this Book
Assessing Internal Job Candidates
Internal Assessment Goals
Internal Assessment Methods
Career Planning
Internal Assessment Models
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