Catching the Catfishers: Disarm the Online Pretenders, Predators, and Perpetrators Who Are Out to Ruin Your Life

  • 3h 11m
  • Tyler Cohen Wood
  • Career Press, Inc.
  • 2014

Your online identity is quickly becoming more crucial to your personal and professional success than in-person communications.

But most of us don't understand this digital Wild West and the dangers that lurk around every corner. Most of us are unaware of the digital bread crumbs that we leave behind with every post, and how easy it is for a person with malicious intent to harm us.

Catching the Catfishers is for every user of social media, teaching you how to:

  • Safely and successfully navigate the online world.
  • Protect yourself and your children from online predators, cyber stalkers, and chat-room bullies.
  • Detect if someone is not who he or she claims to be.
  • Learn what digital bread crumbs you leave behind and how to clean them up.
  • Control your own online identity.
  • Use social media to find the right relationship, employee, or anything else you are looking for.

About the Author

Tyler Cohen Wood is cyber branch chief for an intelligence agency within the Department of Defense (DoD). She is known in the intelligence, law enforcement, and computer forensics communities for her work with digital forensics and cyber intelligence and has presented as a cyber expert at conferences across the country. She coauthored the textbook Alternate Data Storage Forensics and was featured in Best Damn Cybercrime and Digital Forensics Book Period. She previously worked for the DoD Cyber Crime Center (DC3) as a senior digital forensic analyst, using her expertise in intrusion, malware analysis, and major crimes to bring about many successful prosecutions. Before joining DC3, she was employed at IBM and NASA as a senior forensic analyst.

In this Book

  • Catching the Catfishers—Disarm the Online Pretenders, Predators, and Perpetrators Who Are Out to Ruin Your Life
  • Controlling Your Online Persona
  • A Little Privacy, Please
  • Perception Is Everything
  • Smarter Social: Building Rapport Online
  • Using Social Media for Professional Gain
  • Online Dating
  • Keeping Your Child Safe: What You Need to Know
  • Hoaxes, Spearfishing, and Fake Websites, Oh My!
  • Reading Deception Online
  • Catching the Catfishers
  • Notes