Data Modeler's Workbench: Tools and Techniques for Analysis and Design

  • 9h 34m
  • Steve Hoberman
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2002

A goldmine of valuable tools for data modelers!

Data modelers render raw data-names, addresses, and sales totals, for instance-into information such as customer profiles and seasonal buying patterns that can be used for making critical business decisions. This book brings together thirty of the most effective tools for solving common modeling problems. The author provides an example of each tool and describes what it is, why it is needed, and how it is generally used to model data for both databases and data warehouses, along with tips and warnings. Blank sample copies of all worksheets and checklists described are provided in an appendix.

About the Author

Steve Hoberman is the Lead Data Warehouse Developer for Mars, Inc. He has been data modeling since 1990 for the telecommunications, financial, and manufacturing industries. He speaks regularly at The Data Warehousing Institute conferences on advanced data modeling.

In this Book

  • Using Anecdotes, Analogies, and Presentations to Illustrate Data Modeling Concepts
  • Meta Data Bingo
  • Ensuring High-Quality Definitions
  • Project Planning for the Data Modeler
  • Subject Area Analysis
  • Subject Area Modeling
  • Logical Data Analysis
  • The Normalization Hike and Denormalization Survival Guide
  • The Abstraction Safety Guide and Components
  • Data Model Beauty Tips
  • Planning a Long and Prosperous Career in Data Modeling
  • Suggested Reading