Eliminate Stress from your Life Forever: A Simple Program for Better Living
- 2h 25m
- Sharon Peterson, William Atkinson
- 2004
To most people, stress is a fact of life. Even most books about stress treat it as a chronic problem to be "managed" or "reduced." But in Eliminate Stress from Your Life Forever, author William Atkinson shows readers how to keep stress from entering their lives in the first place.
Based on more than two decades of research and interviews, the book combines physical, spiritual, and psychological approaches into an easy-to-implement 100-day program designed to eliminate stress once and for all—regardless of circumstances.
Readers will learn how to identify where their stress is coming from, how it affects their overall health, and how to change the beliefs and behaviors that trigger stress. Most importantly, Eliminate Stress from Your Life Forever will show them how to build—in just minutes a day—the permanent physical and psychological stress resistance that will give them a lifetime of health, well-being, and happiness.
About the Author
William Atkinson has been a full-time business and health writer for over 25 years, specializing in workplace health and safety. He has been researching the topic of stress since 1979.
In this Book
Eliminate Stress From Your Life Forever—A Simple Program for Better Living
When Your Body Wears Out, Where Are You Going to Live?
Slicing and Dicing Stress— Categories, Causes, and Perceptions
The Stress Personality
Stress and Health
Rebuilding Attitudes and Perceptions
Additional Strategies
Generating Positive Energy from Chi
Meditation to Reduce Stress
The Spiritual Road to Stress Prevention
Your 100-Day Program