Estimating Software Costs: Realism to Estimating, Second Edition

  • 12h 18m
  • Capers Jones
  • McGraw-Hill
  • 2007

Deliver bug-free software projects on schedule and within budget

Get a clear, complete understanding of how to estimate software costs, schedules, and quality using the real-world information contained in this comprehensive volume. Find out how to choose the correct hardware and software tools, develop an appraisal strategy, deploy tests and prototypes, and produce accurate software cost estimates. Plus, you'll get full coverage of cutting-edge estimating approaches using Java, object-oriented methods, and reusable components.

  • Plan for and execute project-, phase-, and activity-level cost estimations
  • Estimate regression, component, integration, and stress tests
  • Compensate for inaccuracies in data collection, calculation, and analysis
  • Assess software deliverables and data complexity
  • Test design principles and operational characteristics using software prototyping
  • Handle configuration change, research, quality control, and documentation costs

About the Author

Capers Jones is a leading authority in the world of software estimating, measurement, metrics, productivity, and quality. He designed IBM’s first automated software estimating tool in 1973. He also designed both the SPQR20 and Checkpoint commercial software cost-estimating tools. He was the founder and chairman of Software Productivity Research (SPR), where he retains the title of Chief Scientist Emeritus. While he was chairman of SPR, the company brought out the leading KnowledgePlan estimating tool under his direction. Jones frequently speaks at conferences such as IEEE Software, International Function Point Users Group (IFPUG), the Project Management Institute (PMI), the Software Process Improvement Network (SPIN), the Computer Aid (CAI) conference series, and at scores of in-house corporate and government events. Capers Jones has been named to the Computer Aid advisory board in 2007. Estimating Software Costs is his 14th book.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • The Origins of Software Cost Estimation
  • Six Forms of Software Cost Estimation
  • Software Cost-Estimating Tools and Project Success and Failure Rates
  • Sources of Error in Software Cost Estimation
  • Manual Software-Estimating Methods
  • Manual Estimating Methods Derived from Agile Projects and New Environments
  • Automated Estimates from Minimal Data
  • Sizing Software Deliverables
  • Compensation and Work-Pattern Adjustments
  • Activity Pattern Adjustment Factors
  • Software Technology Adjustment Factors
  • Estimating Software Requirements
  • Estimating Software Prototypes
  • Estimating Software Specifications and Design
  • Estimating Design Inspections
  • Estimating Programming or Coding
  • Estimating Code Inspections
  • Estimating Software Configuration Control and Change Management
  • Estimating Software Testing
  • Estimating User and Project Documentation
  • Estimating Software Project Management
  • Maintenance and Enhancement Estimating
  • Software Cost-Estimating Research Issues