Getting MEAN with Mongo, Express, Angular, and Node, Second Edition

  • 8h 1m
  • Cliver Harber, Simon Holmes
  • Manning Publications
  • 2019


Getting MEAN, Second Edition teaches you how to develop full-stack web applications using the MEAN stack. This edition was completely revised and updated to cover MongoDB 4, Express 4, Angular 7, Node 11, and the latest mainstream release of JavaScript ES2015.

About the Technology

Juggling languages mid-application can radically slow down a full-stack web project. The MEAN stack—MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node—uses JavaScript end to end, maximizing developer productivity and minimizing context switching. And you'll love the results! MEAN apps are fast, powerful, and beautiful.

About the Book

Getting MEAN, Second Edition teaches you how to develop full-stack web applications using the MEAN stack. Practical from the very beginning, the book helps you create a static site in Express and Node. Expanding on that solid foundation, you'll integrate a MongoDB database, build an API, and add an authentication system. Along the way, you'll get countless pro tips for building dynamic and responsive data-driven web applications!

What's inside

  • MongoDB 4, Express 4, Angular 7, and Node.js 11
  • MEAN stack architecture
  • Mobile-ready web apps
  • Best practices for efficiency and reusability

About the Reader

Readers should be comfortable with standard web application designs and ES2015-style JavaScript.

About the Authors

Simon Holmes and Clive Harber are full-stack developers with decades of experience in JavaScript and other leading-edge web technologies.

In this Book

  • Introducing Full-Stack Development
  • Designing a MEAN Stack Architecture
  • Creating and Setting up a MEAN Project
  • Building a Static Site with Node and Express
  • Building a Data Model with MongoDB and Mongoose
  • Writing a REST API—Exposing the MongoDB Database to the Application
  • Consuming a REST API—Using an API from inside Express
  • Creating an Angular Application with TypeScript
  • Building a Single-Page Application with Angular—Foundations
  • Building a Single-Page Application with Angular—The Next Level
  • Authenticating Users, Managing Sessions, and Securing APIs
  • Using an Authentication API in Angular Applications
  • Data Integration Differences for Various Approaches Used by Node.js Applications