How to Measure Anything in Cybersecurity Risk

  • 5h 35m
  • Douglas W. Hubbard, Richard Seiersen
  • John Wiley & Sons (US)
  • 2016

A ground shaking exposé on the failure of popular cyber risk management methods

How to Measure Anything in Cybersecurity Risk exposes the shortcomings of current "risk management" practices, and offers a series of improvement techniques that help you fill the holes and ramp up security. In his bestselling book How to Measure Anything, author Douglas W. Hubbard opened the business world's eyes to the critical need for better measurement. This book expands upon that premise and draws from The Failure of Risk Management to sound the alarm in the cybersecurity realm. Some of the field's premier risk management approaches actually create more risk than they mitigate, and questionable methods have been duplicated across industries and embedded in the products accepted as gospel. This book sheds light on these blatant risks, and provides alternate techniques that can help improve your current situation. You'll also learn which approaches are too risky to save, and are actually more damaging than a total lack of any security.

Dangerous risk management methods abound; there is no industry more critically in need of solutions than cybersecurity. This book provides solutions where they exist, and advises when to change tracks entirely.

  • Discover the shortcomings of cybersecurity's "best practices"
  • Learn which risk management approaches actually create risk
  • Improve your current practices with practical alterations
  • Learn which methods are beyond saving, and worse than doing nothing

Insightful and enlightening, this book will inspire a closer examination of your company's own risk management practices in the context of cybersecurity. The end goal is airtight data protection, so finding cracks in the vault is a positive thing—as long as you get there before the bad guys do. How to Measure Anything in Cybersecurity Risk is your guide to more robust protection through better quantitative processes, approaches, and techniques.

About the Authors

Douglas W. Hubbard is the inventor of Applied Information Economics (AIE). He is an internationally recognized expert in the field of measuring intangibles, risks, and value, especially in IT value, and is a popular speaker at numerous conferences. He has written articles for InformationWeek, CIO Enterprise, and DBMS magazine. His AIE method has been applied to dozens of large Fortune 500 IT investments, military logistics, venture capital, aerospace, and environmental issues. Doug is the author of How to Measure Anything: Finding the Value of Intangibles in Business (Wiley).

Richard Seiersen is a technology executive with nearly 20 years of experience in information security, risk management, and product development. Currently he is the general manager of cybersecurity and privacy for GE Healthcare. Many years ago, prior to his life in technology, he was a classically trained musician—guitar, specifically. Richard now lives with his family of string players in the San Francisco Bay Area. In his limited spare time he is slowly working through his MS in predictive analytics at Northwestern. He should be done just in time to retire. He thinks that will be the perfect time to take up classical guitar again.

In this Book

  • Foreword by Daniel E. Geer, Jr., ScD
  • Foreword by Stuart McClure
  • Introduction
  • The One Patch Most Needed in Cybersecurity
  • A Measurement Primer for Cybersecurity
  • Model Now!—An Introduction to Practical Quantitative Methods for Cybersecurity
  • The Single Most Important Measurement in Cybersecurity
  • Risk Matrices, Lie Factors, Misconceptions, and other Obstacles to Measuring Risk
  • Decompose it—Unpacking the Details
  • Calibrated Estimates—How Much Do You Know Now?
  • Reducing Uncertainty with Bayesian Methods
  • Some Powerful Methods Based on Bayes
  • Toward Security Metrics Maturity
  • How Well are My Security Investments Working Together?
  • A Call to Action—How to Roll Out Cybersecurity Risk Management