HR from the Heart: Inspiring Stories and Strategies for Building the People Side of Great Business

  • 4h 21m
  • Libby Sartain, Martha I. Finney
  • 2003

Human resources professionals are entrusted, perhaps more than any other corporate designates, with the well-being of their organization’s population. They bridge the gaps between the individual and the collective, the person and the purpose. The most successful and effective HR professionals see their careers as a calling, and their work, though driven by corporate goals, is graced by a sense of purpose, a profound generosity, and a love for what they do and the constituencies they serve.

HR from the Heart is a book for HR practitioners who love their jobs—or want to. Libby Sartain, one of the country’s top human resources executives, reveals how HR professionals create a synergy between business objectives and the needs and wants of employees. This inspiring book is equal parts motivational message and how-to, confessional and career guide. Filled with stories from Sartain’s considerable experience, HR from the Heart offers a first-hand perspective on forging relationships, selling HR to the company, taking diversity beyond "by the book," keeping policy in perspective, and more—all while making the right career moves, staying engaged, and forwarding the strategic goals of the company.

About the Authors

Libby Sartain is senior vice president of human resources at Yahoo! and was previously vice president of people at Southwest Airlines, consistently ranked among the best places to work in America.

Martha I. Finney is a veteran HR journalist, consultant, and author of In the Face of Uncertainty.

In this Book

  • What's Love Got to Do with It?
  • The Sacred Trust That Is HR
  • Six Essential Ingredients of Every Great HR Career
  • Sure It Looks Great, But Does It Fit?
  • Not Everyone Will Be President of Your Fan Club
  • Great Relationships Are More About What You Give Than What You Get
  • Pull Up a Chair …—(How to Know You're Really Ready for a Seat at the Table)
  • … And Have a Seat—(What to Do Once You Finally Get There!)
  • From the Heart Doesn't Mean from the Bleeding Heart
  • Know Your Stuff and Know That You Know Your Stuff—(And Don't Let Anyone Tell You Otherwise)
  • Just Because They're the Experts Doesn't Make Them More Right Than You
  • Question Authority
  • Start Your Own Hole-in-the-Wall Gang
  • The Dais of Our Lives
  • Can This Marriage Be Saved?
  • How to Know When It's Time to Leave
  • How to Get a Job That Is Far Better Than the One You Wanted
  • Is That New Job You're Considering in an HR-Friendly Company?
  • Welcome Aboard!—(And Watch Your Step!)
  • It's About People, Not Widgets!
  • The Nuts and Bolts of the Talent Machine
  • HR Does Not Create Culture
  • Internal Branding—The Enchanting Power of the People Promise
  • The Power of People to Make Your HR Branding Work
  • Who Is Really HR's Customer?
  • How to Make Your Company a Great Customer Service Company
  • Eight Ways to Sell the Value of Your Department
  • The Truth Behind Those Best Employers Lists—This Ain't No Beauty Contest!
  • Congratulations! You May Have Already Won!
  • Show Them the Money!
  • Using Benefits to Build Relationships
  • Recognition, Rewards, Fun—The Triple Crown of Employee Engagement
  • Managing Expectations
  • Soothing the Savage Skeptic
  • The Most Important HR Policy—Throw Out the Policy Manual (And Build Strong Managers Instead)
  • Diversity Should Be From the Heart—Not Just By the Book
  • Use Your People Expertise to Create Successful Mergers and Acquisitions
  • “In the Unlikely Event of an Emergency”
  • Judgment Day Made Simple and Painless
  • Parting Company
  • The Time to Plan for Layoffs Is Before You Do the Hiring
  • … And Then Someone Said, “No Good Deed Goes Unpunished”
  • You Are the Keeper of the HR Ethics
  • Conclusion—How Do We Get There From Here?
  • Recommended Reading List