Information Technology for Healthcare Managers, Ninth Edition

  • 9h 22m
  • Detlev H. Smaltz, Donna J. Slovensky, Gerald L. Glandon
  • Health Administration Press
  • 2021

Though healthcare is largely technology driven, the deployment of health information technology (HIT) has occurred in waves rather than a steady flow, and usually in response to government mandates. This emergent HIT strategy has culminated in highly complex and dynamic systems crafted over many years using products from multiple vendors.

Healthcare organizations are now focused on big data aggregated from myriad data-producing applications both in and beyond the enterprise. Healthcare leaders must position themselves to leverage the new opportunities that arise from HIT’s ascendance and to mine the vast amount of available data for competitive advantage.

Where can they turn for insight? With the unique advantage of both academic and real-world experience in HIT leadership, the authors of Information Technology for Healthcare Managers blend management theory, cutting-edge tech knowledge, and a thorough grounding in the healthcare applications of technology. The ninth edition offers the following:

  • Rigorously updated content that reflects this rapidly changing field, including discussions of the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, blockchain, cybersecurity, and cloud computing
  • An entirely new chapter on data analytics for leaders who want to harness the power of data for decision support, evidence-based management, and other strategic uses
  • A review of the core HIT elements of healthcare delivery
  • Guidance on management issues specific to healthcare organizations, including regulation, HIT and data governance, infrastructure, the selection of applications, contract negotiating, and portfolio management
  • Management and systems theory, applied to the challenges of HIT

Opinions abound on technology’s best uses for society, but healthcare organizations need more than opinion—they need knowledge and strategy. This book will help leaders combine tech savvy with business savvy for sustainable success in a dynamic environment.

About the Author

Gerald L. Glandon, PhD, was president and CEO of the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA) from 2013 to 2019. AUPHA is a global network of colleges, universities, faculty members, and other individuals and organizations dedicated to improving healthcare delivery through excellence in healthcare management and policy education. Previously, Dr. Glandon was professor and chair of the Department of Health Services Administration at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. During his tenure, the department experienced rapid growth through expanded enrollment (both undergraduate and graduate), new program development, increased research funding, and international ventures. Dr. Glandon’s primary research interests are technology evaluation (especially information technology), the economics of aging, patient and physician satisfaction, and the assessment of organizational performance. He has received numerous grants as principal investigator and co–principal investigator, including funding from government and private organizations. He has published articles in such journals as JAMA, the Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, Medical Care, Hospital and Health Services Administration, and Health Services Research, as well as numerous books and book chapters.

Detlev H. Smaltz, PhD, LFACHE, FHIMSS, is the founder, president, and CEO of CIO Consult LLC. He works with healthcare provider and vendor organizations to provide chief information officer–level professional services that include information technology (IT) strategic planning, analytics competency center planning and implementation, IT and data governance, IT product market placement advice, IT executive and staff coaching and mentoring, and other services designed to maximize IT organizational performance. Prior to founding CIO Consult, Dr. Smaltz founded Health Care DataWorks, a healthcare business intelligence software company that earned a Gartner “Cool Vendor” distinction before the business was acquired in 2015. He also served as the chief information officer of international operations for the Cleveland Clinic (a $10.5 billion, 18-hospital academic medical center) as well as chief information officer of the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center (a $1.7 billion, six-hospital academic medical center comprising more than 1,100 beds and more than 13,000 full-time employees). Dr. Smaltz has more than 30 years of experience in healthcare management, primarily in CIO and chief knowledge officer roles at organizations of various sizes, including a 20-bed community hospital, a 300-bed tertiary referral medical center, a five-state region, and a seven-country international region, as well as at the corporate headquarters of a $6.2 billion globally distributed integrated delivery system.

Donna J. Slovensky, PhD, RHIA, FAHIMA, is professor and senior associate dean for academic and faculty affairs in the School of Health Professions at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). She holds secondary appointments in the Department of Management in the UAB Collat School of Business, the Graduate School, and the School of Medicine’s Center for Outcomes and Effectiveness Research and Education. She is a scholar in the Lister Hill Center for Health Policy, the Center for Interprofessional Education and Simulation, and the Center for Engagement in Disability Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at UAB. She is also codirector of the Integrated Systems Center in the UAB School of Engineering. She has served on the UAB faculty for more than 40 years, teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in strategic management, quality management, information management, and clinical outcomes evaluation before she was appointed to her current administrative roles. Dr. Slovensky earned a PhD in administration–health services with a concentration in strategic management. Her research interests include the strategic use of information resources, mHealth as a product and service delivery model, and team-based learning in health professions education, particularly for honors student projects.

In this Book

  • Preface
  • Connecting the Strategic Dots—Does Health Information Technology Matter?
  • External Environment
  • Leadership—The Case of the Healthcare Chief Information Officer
  • Health Information Technology Governance and Decision Rights
  • Health Information Technology Infrastructure, Standards, and Security
  • Health Information Technology Service Management
  • Health Information Technology Selection and Contract Management
  • Applications—Electronic Health Records
  • Applications—Management and Financial Systems
  • Health Information Technology Project Portfolio Management
  • Analytics
  • Health Information Technology Value Analysis
  • Concluding Comments—Likely Trends and High-Impact Factors
  • List of Selected Abbreviations
  • Glossary