Lease Accounting with SAP: IFRS 16 and ASC 842

  • 5h 45m
  • Hanno Hofmann, Joy Mabborang, Louis Teunissen, Pamela Lim
  • Rheinwerk Publishing Inc.
  • 2018

The countdown for lease accounting has started; are you ready for IFRS 16 and ASC 842? Jump-start your leasing project with this guide to SAP Lease Administration by Nakisa and SAP Flexible Real Estate Management. Run compliance readiness checks and configure your leasing system. Then perform transition accounting and manage your leases the right way. Whether you're implementing SLAN or RE-FX, the clock is ticking!

  • Comply with IFRS 16 and ASC 842 for operating and finance leases before your deadline
  • Set up and configure SAP Lease Administration by Nakisa and SAP RE-FX
  • Manage lease contract data for property and equipment: classification, accruals, payments, and more

Lease Accounting Principles

Get a crash course in lease accounting under IFRS 16 and ASC 842 and see how the new regulations impact your company's balance sheet and its bottom line.

Configuration and Use

Set up SAP Lease Administration by Nakisa and SAP Flexible Real Estate Management in your software landscape. Then manage your leases based on the new regulations to avoid penalty.

Implementation Best Practices

Time is running out, so learn how to get started and go live before the deadline. Set your timeline, plan your project, and allocate your resources with tips from the experts.

  • SAP Lease Administration by Nakisa (SLAN)
  • SAP Flexible Real Estate Management (RE-FX)
  • Operating leases
  • Finance leases
  • IFRS 16
  • ASC 842
  • Configuration
  • Integration
  • Implementation best practices
  • Case studies

About the Authors

Hanno Hofmann has more than 20 years of SAP project experience from various industries, such as high-tech, telecom, financials, automotive, and aerospace. His focus for many years was on lease accounting with RE-FX. Having moved into the IFRS topic in early 2015, he is now a trusted advisor for multiple IFRS 15 and IFRS 16 SAP projects around the world. He is a board member and co-founder at Walldorf Consulting AG.

Pamela Lim is a certified SAP consultant whose interests include identifying unique business challenges and working in dynamic environments. She has a bachelor of commerce degree from the University of Melbourne and is currently engaged in multiple IFRS SAP projects.

Joy Mabborang has a bachelor's degree in accounting and is a certified public accountant. She moved into IT solutions as a business systems analyst at Lexmark International Inc.; for the last seven years, her focus has been on project implementation using SAP software. Joy lives in Germany and works as an IFRS consultant for Walldorf Consulting AG.

Louis Teunissen is an architect and principal consultant for SAP Revenue Accounting and Reporting in Walldorf and Singapore. As an IFRS 15 and IFRS 16 course trainer, he delivers training on a global level on behalf of SAP Education.

In this Book

  • Lease Accounting Basics
  • Evaluating Compliance Readiness
  • Managing Your Leasing Project
  • Implementing SAP Lease Administration by Nakisa
  • Configuring SAP Flexible Real Estate Management for Lease Valuations
  • Transition Accounting
  • Managing Leases with SAP Lease Administration by Nakisa
  • Managing Leases with SAP Flexible Real Estate Management
  • Disclosures, Reporting, and Analytics
  • Key Industry Considerations