Maximize Your Memory

  • 3h 32m
  • Ramón Campayo
  • Career Press, Inc.
  • 2010

Each of us has the ability to develop and improve our minds in amazing ways. All you need is motivation, an effective method, and an expert guide. Ramon Campayo’s method shows you the fastest, easiest and most effective way to:

  • Drastically and almost immediately increase your memorization capacity and reading speed.
  • Enhance your learning methods, study techniques, and psychological preparation.
  • Improve your study habits and prepare for exams.

Maximize Your Memory is for students who want to reach their best potential, as well as anyone else who dreams of increasing his or her mental capacity. As Campayo himself declares, “It is possible to learn the things I can do. And everyone can learn. I am the world champion in speed memory, but my wife is second and my brother is eighth. After one hour of training with my methods, my students can triple their reading speed.”

About the Author

Ramon Campayo has one of the most capable minds in the world. He is currently the undefeated record holder in speed memory and long-term memory. He has broken fifteen world records, performing such feats as memorizing a 30-digit binary number in one second and memorizing 23,200 words in 72 hours. Ramon boasts an IQ of 194 and has spent the last 11 years giving courses on study techniques, memorization and speed reading. His learning and memorization techniques have led his students to achieve extraordinary results. Through his bestselling books, he has become the teacher of over 500,000 readers worldwide.

In this Book

  • Maximize Your Memory
  • The Mind and Memory
  • Supermemory
  • Photographic Reading (Ultra-Rapid)
  • General Study System (R.C.S.)
  • Academic and Competitive Exams
  • Useful Advice
  • Memory and Our Health
  • Psychometrics
  • Psychological Preparation
  • All about Worry
  • The Creative Power of Our Minds