Quick Response Manufacturing: A Companywide Approach to Reducing Lead Times

  • 10h 29m
  • Rajan Suri
  • CRC Press
  • 1998

Now You Can Discover What Other Top Companies Already Know:

Quick Response Manufacturing is a truly tested way of implementing and achieving a powerful competitive strategy based on speed. Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM) is an expansion of time-based competition (TBC) strategies that use speed for a competitive advantage. PRM stems from a single principle: to reduce lead times. What sets QRM apart from other time-based programs? Quick Response Manufacturing is an approach for the entire organization--from the shop floor to the front office, from purchasing to sales. In order to truly succeed with speed-based competition, you must adopt the approach throughout the organization.

About the Author

Rajan Suri is Professor of Industrial Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He received his bachelor's degree from Cambridge University (England) and his M.S. and Ph.D. from Harvard University.

Dr. Suri serves as Director of the Center for Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM), a consortium of more than 40 firms working with the university on understanding and implementing QRM strategies. He is internationally regarded as an expert on the analysis of manufacturing systems, specializing in lead time reduction. Dr. Suri is author of more than 100 technical publications, and has chaired three international conferences on manufacturing systems. He has been instrumental in extending the theories of queuing networks and peturbation analysis for manufacturing applications, and served as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Manufacturing Systems for five years. He is currently Associate Editor of the International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, and Area Editor of the Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems. He has also consulted for leading firms including 3M, Alcoa, Allen Bradley, ABB, AT&T, Beloit Corporation, Ford, Hewlett-Packard, McDonnell Douglas, IBM, Ingersoll, John Deere, Pratt & Whitney, Siemens, and TREK Bicycle.

In this Book

  • QRM: Not Just Another Buzzword
  • Benefits of QRM
  • The Response Time Spiral—Legacy of the Scale and Cost Management Strategies
  • Reorganizing Production
  • Structured Methodology for Implementing Cellular Manufacturing
  • Creative Rethinking for Cellular Manufacturing
  • Capacity and Lot-Sizing Decisions
  • Material and Production Planning in the QRM Enterprise
  • POLCA—The New Material Control and Replenishment System for QRM
  • Customer and Supplier Relations
  • Principles of Quick Response for Office Operations
  • Tools to Support Q-ROC Implementation
  • System Dynamics Principles for Quick Response
  • Extending Quick Response to New Product Introduction
  • Management Mind-Set to Support QRM
  • Organizational Structure, Performance Measurement, and Cost Systems
  • Steps to Successful Implementation of a QRM Program
  • Endnotes